1. The Babysitters Pink Panties Part 1: The New Arrangement

    Date: 11/27/2015, Categories: Fiction Erotica Male/Teen Female Masturbation Author: dave_tkd

    ... kitchen. “Mr Price have you been looking outside? “No Jenna I-“ I glanced outside, expecting to see the grey monotony of our street, but saw a flurry of white that was quickly matting the window. Pushing up from the desk chair, I watched as a sudden blizzard clung to trees and cars. The roads too were powdering up rapidly. Downstairs, Jenna was staring out at the changing landscape through the patio doors. “I don’t want you going home in that weather, Jenna.” I said. “Why don’t you stay and have dinner with me and Amy, then we’ll see if I can drive you home.” “That would be good. I’ve already peeled some veg for you, and it looks like there’s some cooked chicken in the fridge. I can prepare enough for both of us” “That’s great, but you really didn’t have to go to any effort. You’re supposed be spending time with Amy, not running after me.” I mused, touched by her thoughtfulness. “Kate said you might need a little bit of looking after too, and I really don’t mind. I do this all the time at home.” I felt awkward now. It was typical of Kate to paint me as another kid that needed looking after. “Jenna, I think I could’ve managed ok.” “Oh no, I didn’t mean it to sound like that, I just wanted to be helpful, to show how much I appreciate the extra work. The money comes in handy. Look, let me get dinner on and that’ll let you finish up what you were doing.” Kate called an hour later. “My return flight has been grounded, there’s nothing flying back up tonight.” She announced, ...
    ... matter-of-factly. How’s the baby?” “She’s fine. Jenna will stay here over dinner. I'm hoping the snowploughs will have cleared the route by then and I can take her home. “I don’t want Amy out in that all, Andy.” I sensed the annoyance in her tone at my suggestion. “I can’t exactly send an eighteen year-old kid out in a blizzard, can I?” “I’m not asking you to”, I sensed a pause while she contemplated how best to override my decision. “Look, she’ll just have to stay there tonight. Make up the spare room. She can borrow clothes and whatever else she needs from me.” She clicked off after a few more snippy exchanges. Jenna must have over-heard the conversation. When I returned to the kitchen, where she was busy preparing dinner, she looked concerned. “Everything ok... Mr Price?” I stammered to respond to her question, caught off guard by an unexpected change in her appearance. The sweater was gone, leaving a white, wide-neck t-shirt in its place. It was as if a veil had been peeled away. Jenna had always hidden her figure with those big snuggle tops, softening the contours of her body. Being confronted by this unexpected revelation of her petite, youthful body was a surprise in itself, but I was instantly drawn to the fact she had been concealing a very generous and pair of C-cup breasts that nestled proudly above her thin waist and flat stomach. In an instant, this wholesome kid became something different: she was now a beautiful and desirable young woman - and I was about to invite ...