1. The Five Forms of Kimber Chapter 4: Air Stone

    Date: 11/27/2015, Categories: Fantasy Anal Male/Female Oral Sex Author: Perv Otaku, Source: sexstories.com

    ... again. If he'd checked all the obvious places, perhaps there were some non-obvious spots he'd overlooked. He had no idea how to discern what those would be, however. He idly pulled the earth and water stones from the knapsack and stared at them. "If I were hiding one of these in this tower, where would I put it?" he asked aloud. No answer was forthcoming. He wished he could count on Kimber's help for this, she was clearly better at it than he. Perhaps the stone was hidden in the bedroom, and he would have to fend off her sexual urges while looking for it. "Here you are, I've been looking for you. Why did you leave the bedroom?" she said, coming down the stairs. She was wearing a dress that she must have taken from the princess's wardrobe. She looked quite beautiful in it. The medallion around her neck seemed to glow along with its splendor. "I was just searching for your treasure," Jonath said as she walked up to him. "Ah, but I have found my treasure, and it's right here," she said, reaching down to squeeze his cock through his pants. "Perhaps so," he said, smiling. "However the companion to these two is still somewhere in this tower." He held up the stones for emphasis. "Oh, I know where that is," she said, almost dismissively. "You do? Where? Take us there," he said. "I'd rather you take me back to bed so we can have more of the sex," she said, running her hands up his chest. "I tell you what, you lead us to the stone, and in return I'll fuck you in the ass," he offered. ...
    ... She gasped. "Oooo, do people really do that? How naughty! Do you promise you will?" He nodded. "Alright, then. Follow me." She led him down the stairs to the foyer, and explained, "You wouldn't know by looking at it, but this tower was actually built on the mouth of a cave." She entered one of the storerooms, and walked directly into the far wall. "Owww!" she exclaimed, stepping back and rubbing her nose and forehead. "If there is a cave behind this wall, there must be door concealed here, and some mechanism to open it," Jonath said. He'd examined these walls for loose stones, but a secret door would never had occurred to him. He started looking for the switch. There was a torch holder mounted to the wall, he'd passed it over before but now he took hold of it and attempted to move it. Indeed, it rotated an eighth of a turn, and then pulled out a short distance from the wall. Old gears creaked behind the wall as a portion of the stones swung inward, revealing a doorway. Jonath lit a torch and entered first, cautiously. The space inside the cave was clearly a wizard's laboratory, filled with strange, nearly indescribable items. The air stone, however, was in plain view in a small glass cabinet. A list, four items long, was etched into the glass in a language he couldn't read. He opened the cabinet and took the white stone, then retreated back to the tower. Though nothing seemed to be alive in the cave, it was decidedly creepy and he didn't care to dwell there any longer then ...