1. New Life in RIanate 4

    Date: 11/21/2015, Categories: Fiction Consensual Sex Death, Male/Teen Female Romance Spanking, Written by women Author: Lustful11, Source: sexstories.com

    ... trying to find something I was doing wrong. It’s okay, I’d eventually do something to her. “Thank you. Merry part.” Lena bowed to us and we gave back weak signs. She marched down the row of cars and disappeared deeper into the garage. Bear started plotting how he was gonna harm her, but I was thinking much worse. “Merry part.” Dallas and Bull pretended to be girls by flipping their imaginary hair and mimicking things Lena did. “You’re doing it wrong,” I scoffed. I stood up straight then gave my hair a big flip. “Merry part, Shelissa.” As we started walking out of the garage, Bear started to talk. “Ya see, if Shelissa was here, we wouldn’t have to deal with Bitch Monster Lena. Like, what the shiz?” He put his hands up and made a confused face. “No, if Shelissa was here, we’d have our nuts—and tits—chopped off,” Bull added, caring about my womanly parts. “Poor Shelissa,” Dallas gasped, wiping a fake tear from his eye. I sighed and made a face as I thought of Lena. Playing the, oh-I’m-so-nice-and-innocent game, pretty fake if ya ask me. The Twins and Dallas stopped right in front of the dorms and I threw a thumbs-up. “Get in trouble for me,” I smiled. “Heh, we’ll try,” Bear flatly said. “I’ll do my gayest-bestest,” Bull added. Dallas and I shared a quick kiss then I walked into the dorm. It was already 12, so I just went upstairs and collapsed, though tomorrow morning was Christmas. That just made me happy: Christmas. I got a ton of stuff for my friends, I was a really good ...
    ... gift person. Tomorrow was gonna be fun and exciting, and, Christmas-y! Ten minutes after laying in the bed, Aya and Tao snuck into the room and laid down with me. They squished under the covers then threw their arms around me. “I love you, too,” I laughed. “Goodnight. It’ll be Christmas before we know it,” Tao squealed, squeezing me even tighter. “GIFTS!” Aya tossed her head back and started giggling. We cuddled up in each other’s warmth then slowly drifted off, with thoughts of Christmas morning in our minds. ==== “IT’S CHRISTMAS! WAKE UP! WAKE UP! WAKE UP!” Tao and Aya quickly got up and we fixed our hair then darted downstairs. It was barely past 8am, but all of the girls were up and running downstairs. Our Christmas tree was bright and jolly and, Christmas-y! Tessa yelled out from the kitchen then all 103 of us poured in for breakfast—traditional at the dorms. D-A-M-N! This girl made Martha Stewart look terrible! There was anything one could want: bacon, eggs, pancakes, sausage, fruit, veggies, oatmeal, everything! All of us grabbed food then walked to the bonus room. The bonus room was like our makeshift dining hall when all of us were together for a holiday or birthday. Myself, Tao, Aya, and a few other girls sat together in a small circle, laughing and talking about Rianate Christmas. After breakfast was up, everyone dropped their dishes into the sinks—thank god it wasn’t our hall's dish night—and crowded around in the living room. A girl named Suni had an affinity for ...