1. Twin sissy suck bbc cock

    Date: 4/29/2024, Categories: Gay Your Stories Author: Xoxobbc, Source: SexStories-All

    ... prize. I can see the shiny puddles of the  huge seed on that black leather sofa. Soon my vision was covered by my brother's back. As soon as he started licking the seed. Dave put his camera for an upclose shot. Capturing every moment. Garry got up from his knees  and did the same thing that i have done before. Showing his mouth full of cum, playing with his tongue, savouries the taste. And Waiting for Dave's command. Dave..."swallow! my sissy cum slut baby doll". Garry swallows and opens his mouth to show that it's gone to the camera. "You are a fast learner my brother". I said.
    Everything was over and everyone was fully satisfied. Dave was at the door ready to leave. we too were at the door. Dave turned  back. looking behind and pointing his finger at the far corner of the sofa. I guess you left some cum there. "Where??" We both of us said. There at the corner. We both saw that puddle of white seed at the same moment. We pushed each other n started running towards it as if it was a race and the prize was that one puddle of seed. As I was much quicker than my brother i was first but I paused because i realised that it was my cum my first 5 feet orgasms. Seeing the chance My brother went ahead of me and was about to lick that cum from the floor. I yelled " stop Garry, that's my mess, my cum not your daddy seed"... "So what! Garry said,Like you said, the second rule is not to waste any cum".... He leaned down and licked the cum of the floor.  Savouring the taste, he said "hummm.. your too is salty but very watery, not as thick n Creamy like Daddy".... "It must be coz you tasted the same"... We both laughed.
    Dave looking at us " you both really love bbc cum, dont you?"
    we both said,,, "yes we are"
    comment if you want the 2nd part.