Where There's a Will Ch. 01
Date: 8/28/2024,
Author: bynikopheros
... the mean stepsister, and only got worse through the years.
They both treated me like shit for a full decade. They berated me, teased me, belittled me, embarrassed me whenever possible. By fourteen I knew not to bring friends over to my house, even though it was a huge house with a pool and game room and everything else you might want. My friends still wanted to come over, to have fun with all the toys, and maybe get a good look at my stepmom or stepsister, but I knew having anyone over was just asking for trouble.
Barbara had been a very good looking woman from the day dad met her. Even as a little kid I remember thinking that she was a pretty lady. That didn't change as she got older. No matter how mean she was to me, I still understood why dad was with her. Her face was always quite stunning. She has high cheek bones, a thin nose, a strong but slender jaw, striking green eyes with a very sexy tilt to them, plump, nicely curved lips, straight white teeth. She has honey blonde hair that always lookes amazing. She gets it colored once every three weeks, so I don't think that's her real color, but no one ever seems to question it.
All in all, she has always been undeniably beautiful. And then there's her body. She had been in good shape from the beginning, and she only ever seemed to get in better shape. She does yoga and pilates nearly every day, and it shows. I think I was thirteen or fourteen when she got her boobs done. I remember being told she was going to have ...
... an operation, and being afraid it was something like mom had. Then she came home one day with giant tits. That was different. They've aged as well as the rest of her. The older I got, the more understanding I was about dad staying with her. And in his defense, she was always a lot nicer to me when he was around. She only showed her true colors when it was just us, or if only Sadie was around.
Sadie, for her part, was a regular chip off the old block. When we were little, she was just a little mean. The older she got, the prettier she got, and the meaner she got. By the time she was eighteen, and finishing up high school, she was as hot as anyone I had ever seen. She had all of her mother's sexy features, the eyes, the nose, the cheekbones, the mouth. She also had the same honey blonde hair, though she also got it colored. I've never seen her working out, but somehow she's in even better shape than her mom. She's twenty-three now, and her tits are even bigger than her mom's fake ones. And Sadie has an ass that her mother has never been able to achieve, despite all her efforts.
For every ounce of natural beauty Sadie possesses, there's three ounces of cold venom. To put it rather bluntly, Sadie is an absolute bitch. If you can think of a mean name, Sadie has called me it. Whatever you consider bullying, Sadie has done it. When she was still bigger than me, she would bully me physically. Once I sprouted, she turned to psychological warfare, and very consistently won the ...