Bee's Story, My Story Ch. 12
Date: 8/27/2024,
Author: bytlvanitycard
... backward. "It was great to see you, Bee! Let me know if your boyfriend isn't treating you right! I'll take care of you." One of the guys socked him in the shoulder and the others laughed at him.
I waved demurely and called out in a sarcastic sing-song voice "See ya later boys, thanks for the shade!" Before turning my attention back to the girls.
Kelly was looking at me expectantly, "Boyfriend?" she asked.
I sighed, "Do you really think I'm going to let a guy like that know I'm single?"
"Hah! Fair." She admitted.
"I know you don't work that way, Bee. But I'm sure at least one of those guys is a decent lay." Monica observed.
"Oh my god yeah, the short one looked like he'd go down on you and actually enjoy it." Kelly added.
"Kelly what the fuck." I sighed.
"And your friend seemed like he was thirsty enough for you that he'd do anything you asked and worship you while doing it." Monica said with that smile that told me she was just trying to get me flustered.
"Yeah no thanks, I know that type too well." I answered. "Look, if I go get my feet wet with you two, will you drop it?"
Kelly nodded and Monica relented. "Deal." They both said simultaneously. They held my hands and pulled me out to the edge of the water as they ran toward the waves. We spent another hour or so there. I only burned a little on my nose and a small area in the middle of my back, and as usual I didn't tan. We ate at this little vegan restaurant that had a patio, and then we ...
... went to see Midsommar, which... was an interesting change in tone for the day, before I finally returned home a little after 8.
I took a quick shower and came out in a green tank top and simple pink panties, then headed to the living room to join my brother, who was watching some sort of Game Grumps compilation.
"PMAJ texted me and said he saw you at the beach." He said suddenly.
"Oh?" I responded, "What else did he say?"
"He said, and I quote. 'She was looking fucking FINE. I don't know how you can live there and not be hitting that.'" He read in a newscaster type voice that made me laugh.
"Oh my god, what did you say?" I asked through laughter.
"That I came on your chest the other night." He said stoically.
I stopped laughing and felt my eyes go wide. "Did you really?"
"God no!" He responded with a smile. I relaxed a little. "I just said 'oh so that's where she went' and he stopped responding. Don't worry, I'm not telling anyone, even the people who don't know we're related. Just in case they do find out about that."
"Okay, thank you." I said softly. "So how was your day?"
We filled each other in on what we'd done for the day, he had worked on some coursework, made himself a late lunch and then talked to our parents before sitting to watch YouTube. We sat in silence for a little bit as we watched the tv. I noted how full my chest was starting to feel and felt a tingle between my legs.
"Are you hungry?" I asked, trying/not trying to be ...