1. Melinoe Ch. 01-05

    Date: 8/26/2024, Categories: Group Sex Author: byRusthemod

    ... wasn't suffering, she was very protective of her towering wife.
    Joon walked into the bedroom, climbed up on the bed, and snuggled up under Max's left arm. Nuzzling her wife's breast, Joon asked, "How are you?" peeking at Max with grass-green eyes.
    Watching Joon peeking up at her, Max then glanced up at the ceiling of the bedroom, like she was gazing into nothingness, "I think I am going to miss her very much, I loved that rotten cat."
    "Me too." Joon said quietly, "Me too."
    Joon reached over and grabbed the remote; Max's eyebrow rose, Joon glanced at Max. "What? You've been introspective for fourteen solid hours, a little reprieve is in order sweetheart." Max nodded and gave in to her wife without argument.
    The Holonet was all ablaze about 'The Lion of the Federation and his Lionesses'. Both Max and Joon sat up in bed together watching; completely mesmerized by hour after hour of replays, testimony, interviews and footage. It was a massive TFNN media recap of the heroic group.
    Max and Joon made food and returned to their binge viewing leading up to the historic ceremony on earth to honor the heroes who had single-handedly saved Terra from destruction.
    The Lion's pristine, white, Raptor-class gunship landed just meters from an incredibly ornate stage. Row after row of thousands of TFN personnel lined the path up to it. Joon and Max had never seen anything like it. They had both watched the interviews on TFNN with Jehanna Elani, but this was levels of ...
    ... magnitude more impressive.
    The cam angles shifted many times, showing the massive battle fleet in a sheer wall across the sky, all facing the same way, towards the Invictus.
    The Lion began his steady perfect march to the stage; the TFN anthem playing in the background. At least half a million TFN personnel saluted, and the Lion was immediately followed by his Lionesses: all of them in sparkling white uniforms with gold trim. Two Lionesses followed and were dressed in some kind of white power armor with huge rifles. They all proceeded in parade march; everyone was the epitome of perfection.
    When they were all lined up on the stage the anthem ended, and the speeches began. Admiral Devereux, who had given the Lion his title, began to speak. The words were important, but Joon didn't seem to hear them. She was too busy looking at the Lionesses, Calara Fernandez and Alyssa Marant.
    "Hmm," said Joon.
    "What?" asked Max.
    "I got the feeling Alyssa was giving Calara the 'fuck me' eyes," remarked Joon.
    "What? No!" exclaimed Max.
    "How often do I miss stuff like that?" asked Joon, rewinding the holo a bit.
    "Like... never," Max conceded with an affectionate smile. She studied Alyssa's face. "Yeah, I kinda see it now."
    "Too bad," said Max a moment later. "The look Calara gives Admiral Blake can't be mistaken."
    "But they all give him that look," said Joon.
    Max looked at her in surprise. "You're right! Wow, they are a very interesting group of people."
    "I know ...