Life in Cummington Pt. 02
Date: 8/25/2024,
Group Sex
Author: bySteveboner
... before George pulled his spent length from her arsehole, and then turned towards Hazel, before keenly, the young blonde knelt up, and eagerly took hold of his dick.
She then pulled his dripping cock towards her little waiting mouth, and quickly started to suck on it, happy to swallow the last dribbles of cum, and taste Victoria's arse juices too.
While Hazel was sucking George clean, Victoria then sat up, before she eased herself up off of Daniel's spent member, and as she stood upright, Mellissa said eagerly "Face me honey! Let's see that cum!"
The middle aged woman then turned towards her, and her older neighbour clearly could see, two white creamy loads, oozing out of Victoria's butt and pussy.
"Oh yes! Look at that cum! They really filled you with their loads, didn't they?" Mellissa then said with a chuckle.
"Yep!" replied Victoria, chuckling too.
As Mellissa filmed her neighbour leaking goo, Hazel stopped sucking George's softening cock, and then turned around and crawled towards Daniel instead, before moving her head between his open legs, and sliding her eager mouth onto his semi hard length.
Daniel instantly groaned in delight, as Hazel clamped her soft wet lips around his dick, and then began sucking him dry, just like she had done to George.
For a good minute she ...
... happily sucked the middle aged man's creamy dick, until finally Melissa asked her, if she could show Victoria to the bathroom, to get cleaned up, and the young blonde pulled her mouth free from Daniel's length, and then got up, and led the older woman, into her neighbour's cottage.
As they disappeared inside, George sat down next to Daniel on the green bench, while Mellissa turned off the camera, and then perched herself on the edge too, before her husband said happily "Well, that was fun! You're wife seemed very into it, once we got her started!"
"Yeah. How did you do that exactly?" Daniel asked curiously back.
"Oh, we have our ways!" replied George with a grin, before adding "I've always had a gift, when it comes to talking women into bed!"
"Well, you certainly talked me into it!" replied with his wife, with a chuckle.
"Anyway. It doesn't matter now. Victoria has joined our little club, and I'm pretty sure, she is going to enjoy it!" George said eagerly.
"Yes, I'm sure she will." Agreed Daniel, still trying to work out how his older grey haired neighbour did it.
"Yes. Just your daughter to go then!" George then said with a mischievous grin.
"What?!" replied Daniel, looking a little concerned.
"Joking! Joking!" replied George with a smile, but Daniel wasn't entirely convinced.