1. Enter Sectian Ch. 7

    Date: 8/24/2024, Categories: Fantastic , Bestiality, Coercion Consensual Sex Female solo, Monster, Written by women Author: DiscipleN

    ... Bug's ovipositor.
    Her daughter had the opposite preference but was happy to share Lady Bug's and Screwball's attentions, even though her mother's strict rules prevented the young woman from enjoying bug sex as often as she wanted. She gladly accepted Screwball's efforts when she couldn't mate with the larger sectoid. Her mother's rules concerning the baseball sized insect were less strict.
    The iron clad rule was the adult child was banned from bug sex when her mother was not present.
    All too soon, Pamela had to make her way, from bus to bus, until she walked up to the nightclub's entrance. "Good evening, Michael." She greeted the bouncer with a bright smile."
    "It's nice to see you in good spirits, Pamela. The boss says he wants to clone you because the other hostesses lack your sparkle."
    "Why thank you for the complement, Michael!" The sexually satisfied woman gushed. "I'm sure Mr. Sykes considers you equally indispensable."
    "Yeah, he's a decent dude. I also think you're something special." The handsome black man's eyes glittered. "Maybe after work I could drive you to my place, just for a drink and-" He interrupted himself. "I would totally respect your responsibilities at home." He assured Pamela.
    "Aww, that's very sweet, Michael." She shook her head slightly and walked past.
    He doubled down. "You know what they say, 'Black for a night - Back every night.'" The man's grin was brilliant with teeth.
    "I'm sorry, Mike. That's just not nasty enough for me."
    The End