1. Kitten

    Date: 8/19/2015, Categories: Dark Fantasy BDSM Bondage and restriction Domination/submission Female / Girl, Lesbian Oral Sex Slavery, Author: pablopepperoni

    The high school teen paused with her hand on the door knob before entering the unique shop. She had been here a week before with several of her girl friends as they spent the day walking, talking and shopping. One of them spotted the shop tucked down the alley way and the gaggle of girls walked in. They didn't spend more then five minutes in the shop after realizing what it sold and all had left giggling. But, the seventeen year olds eyes had widen after a few minutes of looking around at the wares and decided that she would come back when she was alone. Turning the knob she opened the door and entered. The door bells tinkled and Amanda looked up from where she was working at the counter as the teen girl walked in. Amanda took immediate stock of the girl, 5'10”, 120 pounds with flowing blond wavy hair parted in the center and draped over her shoulders to her mid back. She had a slim build with small curves, small breasts and long shapely legs. A small face, pouty lips and blue eyes. Beautiful. “Can I help you?” “I was wondering if I could browse around you shop?” “Please, go ahead. I'll be right here if you need any assistance.” “Thank you.” She answered and slipped to the left as she began to explore the shop. There were all types of clothing done up to make a woman look their best. Sexiest best. The girl wandered about the store and Amanda kept one eye on her as she worked. She watched as she entered the area where all her leather goods were kept and watched as the girl ...
    ... reached out and touched many of the items feeling the smooth leather in her hand, almost stroking it. It was when Amanda saw the girl touch herself between her legs while fondling a cat suit that she knew a fly had flown into her web and now all she need to do was to pounce. Carefully, so as not to scare off the prey. Amanda walked over to the girl coming up behind her and quietly asked, “Do you like what you see?” A little startled, she answered almost as quietly, “Yes.” She turned to face Amanda, but did not look directly into her eyes for more than a few seconds. She looked Amanda over and noticed that she was slightly taller then herself. Her brown hair was pulled back flat on her head and tied off in a tight pony tail in the back. She had on high heals and a leather skirt with a blue silk blouse. Kat quickly cast her eyes downward. “Would you like to try something on?” “I'm, ...I'm not sure I should.” Picking up a nicely crafted leather collar Amanda said, “Let's try this. I think it would look on you. Turn around and lift up your hair.” The girl hesitated and then did as she was told. Amanda lifted the collar up and around her slender neck and buckled it on tightly. “It's tight.” She said reaching up and touching the collar, feeling the leather strapped around her neck, not choking but slightly restricting her normal breathing pattern. “It has to be, so to keep from chafing. Here give me your hands.” The girl lifted her hands forward and Amanda buckled two matching cuffs ...