The Attic – A Ghost Story, Parts I-V
Date: 8/21/2024,
Fantasm ,
Male / Females
Author: JackDRipper
... passed again, in the opposite direction, smelling of sandalwood and burnt matches.
What the hell?
Still lying down, I looked around the room. I noticed for the first time that beyond the doorway the rest of the attic was dark. Had someone turned off the lights? Had we blown a fuse? The draft passed again, chillier this time, but definitely smelling of sandalwood and sulfur.
Something out in the dark attic moved. Two somethings. Of course. This had to be a joke. The twins probably found some old perfume and were playing some kind of a weird game. Either that, or this was some kind of a bizarre dream. I dug a fingernail into my thumb. Ouch.
I closed my eyes, hoping the twins hadn’t noticed I was awake.
I lay there for a moment, then the draft passed again, still carrying the sandalwood and sulfur fragrance. The sound of very soft footsteps crept into the room. I lay as still as possible, waiting until the girls got nice and close, ready to give them a scare.
They seemed to pause next to the bed, then a second later I felt the weight of a body laying down on one side of me, then another body on the other.
Now that was strange. If they were trying to spook me, why would they lay next to me?
There was a long pause. I could feel the indentations in the mattress on either side of me, and I could even hear faint breathing.
I lay there quietly, waiting for one of the twins to make a move. Seconds past, then a minute, then two. Nothing.
I felt a hand ...
... move to my thigh just below the lower edge of my khaki shorts. From the opposite side, a soft sandalwood-and-sulfur breath of air whispered in my ear. Another hand pressed against my stomach and slid up to my chest under my T-shirt. The hand on my legs slid up my thigh, pulling the shorts up my leg.
This was getting a little too weird. Whatever the twins were doing left me feeling uncomfortable. Time to put a stop to it. I opened my eyes.
There was nothing there. Just two indentations on the bed on either side of me.
All at once the indentations on the mattress disappeared. I went to leap from the bed, but something – hands - invisible hands – seized my arms, dragging me to the head of the bed. Ropes I couldn’t see bound my hands to the posts of the bed, another pair held my ankles against the rear posts. I tried to cry out, but the second I opened my mouth, a cloth of some kind – again, invisible – was shoved into my mouth.
As soon as I was bound and gagged, silence descended on the room. There were no more indentations on the bed, but the fragrance of sandalwood and burnt sulfur lingered strongly in the air. I looked frantically around the room. There was nobody there that I could see, but I could feel two presences. I can’t explain how I knew they were there, but I knew.
The burnt sandalwood scent got stronger, a faint reddish glow suffused the room, then suddenly I could see them. They flickered in like an old-fashioned neon light coming on. Then they were ...