Candy On Candy - 6.1 Sean's Story
Date: 8/20/2024,
First Time
Author: MapleCandy
I told you I was done with the Candy on Candy series, but I got to thinking readers might be interested in a conversation I had with Sean on our third or fourth rendezvous at the no-tell motel. I'd gone to the bathroom to get a wash cloth to wipe myself off after our romps that night. We were lying naked next to each other on the bed chatting.
Sean asked me, "How old were you the first time you had sex?"
I told him I was sixteen. At his prompting I told him about babysitting for the Rikers and how I had seduced Mr. Riker into taking my virginity. If you've been following this series, you read about that, so I won't repeat myself. I didn't tell him about my brother.
"OK, Mr. Stud, tell me about your first time," I said.
"Well, I wasn't a stud back then, but I was athletic. I was sixteen and very naive. I'd been interested in this girl, Ruth. She seemed interested, too. I screwed up my courage and asked her if she wanted to go to a movie Saturday night. She agreed."
"Don't tell me you did it in the theater?" I teased.
"No, no. In fact, the theater didn't happen. When she told her mother she was going to a movie with me, her mother forbade her from going out with me. I wasn't in her religion," he told me. (To avoid disparaging any faith, I'm not naming the religion.)
"Ruth was devastated and totally embarrassed. But she said, 'Well, maybe you can walk me home after school.' "
"The thick plottens," I joked.
"Yeah, this was back when kids walked to ...
... school. It worked out well because I didn't live very far from her. I even carried her lunch box; she had a backpack for her books. Sometimes we held hands. We started kissing goodbye when I dropped her off at the door. Her parents both worked, so they were clueless that this was going on."
"Several weeks had gone by and it was clear we were hitting it off. One afternoon, she said, 'Why don't you come in?' I thought maybe she'd give me a Coke or something. In fact, she did. We were sitting on the sofa drinking our Cokes and eating potato chips. That's when she shocked the hell out of me."
"Oh my! Go on, Sean" I demanded.
"Ruth was short, maybe 5'1. Black hair, brown eyes. Solidly built, like a lot of short girls, but not fat. Her tits seemed nice under whatever she was wearing on a given day."
"OK, OK," I said.
"Oh yeah. Well like I said she shocked me with how bold she was. 'I've never seen a penis. Could I see your penis?' she asked me."
" 'Really?' I asked her."
" 'Yeah. I wanna see your penis.' "
"Like all boys, I would get hard at the oddest times, and especially when I thought about Ruth's tits. But I wasn't hard at that moment. 'I suppose,' I finally said. I unzipped my pants and pulled down my shorts. There it was."
" 'Can I touch it?' she said. I let her. 'Do you play with it?' she asked as she held it. I nodded, embarassed. It was swelling up in her hand. 'I want to rub it," she added, 'but don't you want to see my tits?' "
"This was turning ...