1. I'm Still Here

    Date: 8/18/2024, Categories: Love Poems Author: elliotlacey31

    I promise you that I'm still here,not just the vague iris of a memory,the superimposition of the impossibleor a dream that cannot be touched or changed,led back to get bliss featherweight against your skinas softly and warmly as the very first timeyou began to helplessly bloom open to me.It wasn't just wine and shadows in winteror the electric thrill of someone so new,the alien tremble of an unfamiliar bodyopening and contouring to your ownas if knowing this may already be just like home.And whether we know it or not,there's no turning back after that first touchand you can't understand me yet when it happens,the sudden flash and outcry almost emitted in anotherlanguage's lustrous gulf shuddering against your form,you see, our frames are undone and disrobed,but now we're really naked, who we really are,who we have always really beenlong before cast far away from Eden.But I promise you that I'm still here,not just the iris of a memory,the superimposition of all that was lostor a dream that cannot be held or ...
    ... shared whentaken to bliss featherweight against your skin,as softly and warmly as the very first timeI lost myself to the raw joy of you opening to me,to the way your flesh sang gliding against mine.It wasn't just shadows and wine and the waywinter seems to make us all feel even more lonelyas if our skin is too scared to be on its own,it wasn't just the shuddering from the electricthrill of someone so sudden and so very beautiful,it's the trembling knowledge that this mayvery well be our true home with one another,that we may never open this way again.And whether we know it or not,this is the price for sanctuary,to be someone's one and only,there's no turning back after that first touchand you still won't understand me sometimeswhen it happens and we're all pure light and noise,pure human need pulsing through the winter dark,through the garden we were exiled from.You have to understand me,you'll already know everything about me by then,we'll already be home by then.And I promise you too that I'm still here. 