My Love Affair with My Mum Pt. 04
Date: 8/16/2024,
Author: bywestjayne495
... glamourous, older partner but also, she paid for the bloody meal.
I wanted to hold her hand as we walked out of the restaurant but felt that was a bit much so I let her go first and ogled her ass instead which may well have been the better choice of the two.
"Shall we walk back along the beach?" I suggested adding, "You can put your heels in my gym bag."
As we strolled along the soft sand above the water line, we chatted and she seemed relaxed and in a great mood just as I was. After half hour or so we turned around a slight curve in the shoreline into a smallish, rocky cove that I knew from walking it before was about threequarters of the way home.
"I'm going in for a dip?" she surprised me by blurting out suddenly.
"What skinny dipping or in your undies?" I quipped back hopefully.
"No silly, I've got a bikini on," she grinned adding, "You coming in?"
"No, I had a long swim at the gym."
"Okay hold this then," she said fiddling some buttons and a zip undone on the dress, slowly whipping it off, handing it to me and standing before me in the skimpiest of white bikinis that she hadn't worn before while I was around. She looked brilliant. Handing me her glasses she said, "Point me towards the sea and watch out for me so you don't lose me as I can't see," she said half joking as I knew full well that her eyesight really was quite poor but not that bad.
Watching the back of her walking the twenty or so yards down to the water was quite some sight. Her ...
... bum in the tiny pair of panties that hardly covered all of the crease between the two symmetrically perfect orbs, wobbled and jiggled its delightful way to the sea as her long, tanned, what I thought were, perfect legs carried her along. And of course, her tits in the, what looked to be, a slightly too small bra were all over the place and were putting on such a wonderful show, it seemed such a shame that there was only an audience of one.
I moved back a little way in between a few huge and a number of smaller rocks and sitting on one I laid the dress and my bag on another and watched her swimming quite elegantly out, along and then back into shore. She then did her Ursula Andress coming out of the sea in that Bond film impression and walked up to me proving that her eyesight wasn't too bad. Soaking wet with her hair plastered to her head and the water dripping off her breasts she took my breath away.
"I've got a towel in my bag," I told her giving her the glasses that she slipped on.
"Great, you can dry my back then," she replied as I felt the inevitable happening as my cock started to grow. I tried hiding it by turning and going to my bag to get the towel but I know that she saw it. As our eyes met, she smiled but didn't say anything as she turned around. I dabbed at her back knowing that I now had a full erection that I wanted to press against her gorgeous ass that was just inches from my cock.
"What about your legs?" I asked as I dried around her waist just ...