1. Teacher - 17 Day 4 – Sunday Evening - A score is settled

    Date: 8/16/2024, Categories: Fiction Authoritarian, Bondage and restriction Exhibitionism Female/Female Humiliation Incest Male/Female Masturbation Author: DBSKR123

    ... the board. If she doesn’t want these little toys on her nipples, then that is what she gets.”
    “No, no, not the board! Please I can’t do that again.”
    “It is your choice. Board or I get to play with some toys. What will it be? Mind you if you choose the board, it will be for at least fifteen minutes. Oh, we will also use a bigger stronger vibrator in your ass. I have one in my private collection in Adam’s room. It was a gag present that someone gave me a while back. I just use it on the outside of me but I think with a little work, and maybe some oil, we can get it into your ass. Once you are set up I will set a timer and you will get to see the time ever so slowly tick down until we release you. Just know that after that, we will tie you just like you are again, and we start all over.”
    “Not the board.”
    “Good girl. I know from experience how much that hurts.” She took another clothespin and attached it to her clit. Again, NoNa screamed in pain. “Don’t worry, the pain deadens in a minute or so. Then I will take them off.” After about two minutes, Summer did as she promised, and took the clips off both nipples and after a pause, her clit. She was rewarded with another scream. “Oh, did I forget to tell you, when they come off, it is almost as painful when the blood rushes in, than when they go on. Lets try this again.” She put the nipple clothespins on at a 90 degree turn from the first time. Then rather than the single pin on her clit, she placed one on each side of ...
    ... the pussy lips. Each time NoNa called out in pain. To add to the torment. Summer used the crop and slapped the bottom side of each breast a couple of times and a few on each inner thigh.
    “This is fun isn’t it? Being fucked in the ass and having clips put on sensitive parts and being slapped with a riding crop. I know I am enjoying it. Are you?”
    “No, I hate it. You are a bitch for doing this to me.”
    “Adam stop fucking her.” When Adam did, Summer grabbed Jen’s jaw so she couldn’t look away and leaned down so that their faces were inches apart. Summer saw real fear in Jen’s eyes. “NoNa are you saying this is not fun? Well, this is just a sampling of what I had to endure for hours at a time several days a week. The ones that used me did not give a fuck what I felt. They just did what they did for their own pleasure. I could not say no. Some of it was kind of fun, some I didn’t care for, and some was just awful. But I survived. They monitored it so no real damage was done, but it still sucked. And do you know what the worst part was? The absolute worst part? It was when I was finally let go and I could go home, because I knew that in two days, I would be back for more. I did not have a choice. It was that or a year of being nude. If I did back out of the store contract, my year would be extended by 25%. I hate being nude too and looking at more than a year of it, well that was too much to handle. I had no real friends, so it was me alone, nude. That is why I am so damn ...