1. Fell for It

    Date: 8/14/2024, Categories: Gay Male, Author: byKeithD

    ... supposedly involved except for Chaz. He got Chaz's signature on the documents and took the cashier's check from the tennis player, Who simultaneously was hitting a snag on his room reservations in Barcelona and was on the phone on and off during the meeting to Spain. Chaz didn't pay much attention to the house transaction, just doing everything Hopkins told him he had to do to get the deal closed.
    He was in the airport before he realized that he hadn't gotten the keys to the Tybee house. He tried calling Hopkins's phone number--and Vince Jacobs's too--and both were out of service. He went on to Barcelona, once more made it through the third round, and didn't have time to try to touch base with Peach State Homes again until he lost in the fourth round. He was happy, though. The payoff for making the third round was quite good.
    Crickets. He could find no trace of either Hopkins or Jacobs--or, for that matter, Peach State Homes--anywhere.
    Chaz skipped the next tournament he could have gone to and flew into Atlanta, the supposed registered location of Peach State Homes, and contacted the police department there. A detective reviewed the documents Chaz had, declared them worthless junk paper, and informed Chaz that a cashier's check's history after it left the tennis player's hand was virtually untraceable.
    The man said, "Shit," as he looked through the paperwork.
    "What? What do you see?" Chaz asked, a note of hope in his voice.
    "Everything is dated and signed ...
    ... on April 1st," the detective said. "Son, you've not only been scammed out of a million dollars but these guys have rubbed your nose in it--making it an elaborate--and very expensive for you--April Fools Day joke. Sorry, son, the house isn't yours and you're out your money. I seriously doubt these scammers had permission to sell the house at all. And you don't go to closing on a house in a hotel room with just the Realtor present; you do it in a lawyer's office with both parties represented. Don't you know that?" "I know that now for all the good it does me," Chaz said.
    Shit was right.
    * * * *
    Chaz had such a whirlwind experience in tennis success spiraling up during the spring and early summer that he had little time to think of the million dollars he'd lost and the house he wanted but didn't get. He did, on occasion, think of how good the sex with the Realtor, Vince Jacobs, had been and to mourn the loss of him in the scam. That was the biggest surprise to Chaz--that Vince had been part of the scam and had just been playing an April Fools Day joke on him--an extremely costly one.
    He had been taken on by a tennis academy near Miami, which provided him with coaching, physical conditioning, and a manager. He also was provided a studio apartment on the academy grounds. His corporate sponsorships covered the cost of this. He was a handsome devil, with a great smile, and thus was coveted for corporate advertisement.
    His wins at the lower levels rose and his prize ...