The War Bull
Date: 8/13/2024,
Male/Teen Female
Author: Crunchgasm
... breaths and then violate her mouth with his animalistic nature and make her slop on his shaft once more until he heard Thomas pumping his erection. Grunting again, he grabbed him by the shirt, quickly hoisting him over those broad shoulders, facing the ceiling. The torture rack backbreaker was on.
Shocked by the change in position and her husband’s agony, Tiffany couldn't do much but eat her own daughter out when Dorak had pinned her using Judy's body as a paperweight. This created a cascade of moans, achieving his goal of getting to facefuck the 35 year-old deeper. Her pussy was gushing onto the face of her daughter, while he pulled on Thomas at both ends: by the neck and legs.
“Yeah…lick my balls, Tiffany… I’ll cum and break his back in half with these muscles. And then both of you cum!”
Tiffany and Judy were playthings for the bull. Very willing and pleasured playthings. Tiffany's sounds were very muffled, as she couldn't believe her throat could hold Dorak' massive erection without injury. Her daughter had easily tipped her over the edge, creating massive squirting orgasms, as her mother got off on Dorak' sheer virility. Poor Thomas was pumping his erection inbetw3een worsening back pain. One loud moo changed everything.
Cum filled the awaiting throat of Tiffany, who was screaming from Judy’s cunnilingus, while Thomas’ back broke with a series of loud pops, which sent his legs into a scrambled series of twitches, before going limp. The wall opposite him had a ...
... small cum stain.
Dorak felt a rush of power and let out louder howls that just seemed to make the women moan and offer more to give this man-beast. Definitely lasting longer than her puny little dick husband. This man-beast has had plans to TAKE these women as his own since day one. He came onto the bed, and dropped the broken cuck behind himself, having in mind the final fate to befall the useless man.
Licking his lips at the females laying side by side on the bed, Dorak grabs Tiffany, and inserts himself into her without delay, causing deep moans to come from the teenager’s mom. Dorak used this to pull as he thrusted, just to make the thrusts hit with more impact as her pussy was already getting pounded inhumanly hard, even her buttcheeks are clapping against his hips with such force that the clapping echoes off the walls. His howls become louder, as sexual release comes ever closer.
He grabs the broken body of Thomas, and shoves his head face-first into the swinging testicles, while trapping it with his legs crossed behind the cuckold’s head. “Use your tongue, wimp!”
Since Thomas had been mentally and physically broken, he gave in wordlessly, accepting his final task was to enhance the experience of the new alpha male in the lives of his wife and daughter. The kisses that Dorak added to the brutal thrusts made Tiffany feel less pain, and while making out with the warrior bull, she found herself cumming hard. Her loud noises were an aphrodisiac, an ego-stroker ...