1. Female Masturbation Addiction Pt. 4

    Date: 8/9/2024, Categories: Fiction Exhibitionism Female exhibitionist, First Time Voyeurism Written by women Author: vanessa.evans

    ... exhibitionist.”
    I said nothing because I’d already decided that I was,
    Jackson and Mason returned with 4 bottles of beer and Mason held one out for me and I just looked at him. When he twigged he said,
    “Oops, forgot.”
    “Give it to Lizzy here.” I said. “Mason, Jackson this is Lizzy.”
    “Seen you around the pool Lizzy, like your outfit.” Jackson said.
    “Mind if I hang with you guys tonight, the girls that I came on holiday with are being total idiots tonight.”
    “No problem,” Owen said, “it’s nice to have another naked girl with us.”
    “Yes,” Mason said, “It’s okay for girls to be naked in front of men.”
    “It’s nice for us girls as well.” I replied.
    “Yeah,” Lizzy added. “I’ve been horny ever since I left my room.”
    I looked at each of the guys and I just knew what they were thinking. Lizzy took a swig of the beer and then held the bottle for me to take a drink. Soon after that the Rep appeared and announced that we were moving on to the next bar.
    As we started walking down the street the imminent orgasm abated as my Lush shut itself down due to the diminished noise and I got more comments about me being naked or having the pink fox tail sticking out of my butt, or me being led by a rope that was constantly rubbing my pussy.
    However my relief, no, that’s the wrong word, my delayed orgasm started to build inside me again as we approached another bar with very loud music.
    “Are you okay Emma?” Lizzy asked.
    “Yeah, my vibrator just burst into ...
    ... life and I’ve got one building inside me.”
    “Where’s your phone Emma?”
    “Back at the hotel.”
    “Oh, you’re in for a fun night then Emma.”
    “Tell me about it, it’s already made me cum twice, or was it 3 times, I can’t remember.”
    “And that’s before all the pleasure from you being naked in public.” Lizzy said,” I wish that I’d brought mine with me now.”
    The second bar was much the same as the first one. Crowded with loud music, which kept my Lush busy, and not many people taking much notice of the 2 virtually naked girls, although Jackson was talking to Lizzy quite a lot. I wondered if they’d end up fucking somewhere.
    My Lush made me cum twice, one of the times helped along by Owen touching my clit.
    When we were in the third bar there was a bit of a panic when there was shouts of “COPS.” One of the barmen hustled Lizzy and me to the nearest wall and told a bunch of guys to form a wall around us. When Owen asked the barman what was going on he told us that the Cops were just there to check on the bar’s licences and that they’d just have a quick look around then go. They did, and the wall of guys hiding Lizzy and I did its job.
    The fourth bar was a bit different as well, after we’d been there for about 10 minutes, during which the loud music had made me cum, everything went quiet and one of the Reps announced that all the people in fancy dress should go to the little stage for the judging for the best costume. Owen was holding the rope that went from my wrists ...