Date: 8/5/2024,
Consensual Sex
Female / Girl,
Male / Females
Male / Older Female,
Oral Sex
Author: FrameByFrame
I guess I just got used to my mother checking out my boyfriends.... pretty much ever since I began dating around sophomore year in high school. My father left when I was about ten, and mom needed attention. I get it. She had a really high sex drive.... something she definitely passed on to me.... and with my father out of the picture, she just turned her sexual interests to whatever was close at hand. I knew she had plenty of dates and was getting her fair share of cock, because I’d heard her on the phone several times with guys that she’d fucked, or was making plans to fuck, so I wasn’t totally surprised that she’d sprinkle some of that seductive energy onto the guys I was dating.
For some reason it didn’t really bother me that she’d shower attention on the guys I brought home to meet her.... I liked that she liked the guys I dated.... it seemed to make my dating life a whole lot easier. And since my mother was still a very attractive 38 year old, with long auburn hair, blue eyes, and big 36DD boobs, none of my boyfriends ever complained. In fact, they all tended to revel in it.... telling me she was a MILF, and always looking for reasons to stop by my house to visit.
My mother and I joked about the fact that I was good at picking boyfriends.... they tended to be handsome, athletic types, who treated me well, had pretty big dicks, and were good in the sack. And.... since I had inherited my mother’s good looks and large tits, I never really had any difficulty landing ...
... whichever guys I set my sights on.
Given that my mother had many and varied sexual partners during my high school years, she pretty much let me do whatever I wanted when it came to dating. This meant I stayed out as late as I wanted.... and even had guys stay overnight in my room when our fuck sessions lasted longer than expected.
This unique dynamic continued all through my high school years. We were almost like roommates most of the time.... especially when it came to talking about my boyfriends.
Then, one day late in my junior year, my boyfriend at the time.... a senior who pitched for our high school baseball team.... came to my house to pick me up while I was still in the shower preparing for our date. He had met my mother several times, so she was happy to invite him in while I finished getting ready.
About twenty minutes later, I came downstairs and headed for the kitchen, where I thought I could hear them talking softly. I guess I was extra quiet, and they must not have heard my footsteps on the stairs, because when I turned the corner to step into the kitchen, my eyebrows shot up in surprise. I saw Tyler leaning against the counter, with his head thrown back, his zipper pulled down, and my mother standing next to him eagerly stroking his stiff hard-on.
They didn’t hear me or see me come into the kitchen.... Tyler’s eyes were closed, as he moaned softly and rocked his hips into my mother’s pumping fist; and my mother was standing next to him.... rubbing ...