A Part Time Wife
Date: 8/3/2024,
Wife Lovers,
Author: keylime314159
I’m a part-time wife. I decided that was what I was, and I liked it. It started several years ago when I was promoted to a job that required regular out-of-town trips. It wasn’t long before I discovered the advantages.
The first time I discovered the advantages was during a week-long trip to Boston. I’d gone out to dinner around the corner from my hotel and met Ivan. There was something about him, and while we were waiting for a table, we started talking. When a table became available, we sat down for dinner together.
There seemed to be a spark between us, and we both felt it. He had a tight beard, and I kept imagining what it would be like to kiss it. Worse than that, I wondered what it would feel like to feel it between my legs while he was, well, down there. I couldn’t think about what he’d be doing there. Anyway, I was just wondering. I knew it wasn’t going to happen.
While discussing what we wanted to eat, he touched my hand. It wasn’t soft and smooth like Justin’s. It was rough and hard, like he worked for a living.
What would they feel like on my … breasts, on my tits? The thought just flitted across my mind. It just flitted for a second—um, a half-second, maybe less.
I was enjoying the tension that was developing between us, so when he invited me for a drink at the hotel bar, I didn’t hesitate. We were at the bar when Justin called to touch base.
I’m here in a bar with some guy I don’t know while I’m talking to my husband.
I was monitoring ...
... exactly what I said; I didn’t want to lie exactly, but did I want to tell him the truth? The truth—I wasn’t sure what the truth was.
It’s the truth that I’m here in the hotel bar, having a glass of wine. It's the truth that I’m with a guy named Ivan. It’s the truth that I’m feeling sparks. What else is the truth?
Should I include that what’s happening is almost what we’ve talked about since I got the promotion? What about the fact that I’m seriouslynotthinking about inviting him to my room?
If I do what Justin wants me to do, I’ll tell him later, um maybe?
I heard myself letting Justin know what was happening without letting Ivan know.
I’d decided and didn’t even know I had. Talking to my husband, knowing that he wanted it to happen, made me decide to fuck Ivan.
The tension between Ivan and me ratcheted up as I realized I was going to fuck him. The uneasiness I’d been feeling disappeared.
“No, I’m at the bar, having a glass of wine before going to my room.”
“Yes, I think so.”
"Yes, I intend to.”
“No, not a chance that’ll happen.”
“No, I have to go now. Bye.”
Justin had filled in the blanks between my cryptic remarks and told me that he wanted me to do it. All those thoughts I’d had when I’d first met him, I’d get to do.
I let him know that what we’d been flitting around and talking about might happen tonight. Now it was my decision. Am I going to do it? Yes? No? Maybe?
No, I’ll let Ivan decide instead. If he pushes me, if he tries, I’ll let ...