Parveen Aziza escapes with Jack Grierson
Date: 8/2/2024,
Author: jxa2012
... the toughness of her attire. She had small, firm breasts but her nipples hardened in the cold and made prominent outlines in her tank top through her bra. A finely chiseled face, softened by a playful upturned nose, hinted at a hidden vulnerability beneath the worn leather armor. With each rolling stride, she walked a tightrope between ferocity and grace, a lean-hipped warrior princess with a secret smile.
She threw herself at Jack, put her legs around his waist, and he held her up with his hands on her bottom. She kissed him delightedly and he kissed her back. When he put her down, she held his forearm.
“It’s been too long, Jack. Months! I’ve missed you.” (See my story, Big Rig Amber.)
“You’re looking well. Not a single change, still look like a college kid.”
“Who never went to college,” she said laughing. She grew serious. “You’ve got a few more scars – I don’t remember that nick on your temple or that thin white one on your neck.”
“It’s the mileage,” said Jack.
“So who are these nasties after you?”
“Russians. Some Arabs as well. Maybe some others, who knows?”
“Still as popular as well, Jack,” she said. “I thought you paid folks to take care of stuff like that.”
“Long story. No protection anymore, I’m naked. You can walk away, I won’t blame you. These guys play for keeps.”
“That bad, huh?” She smiled. “I’ve got a handgun on my belt and a shotgun in the cab. I’ve been on the road for years, handled my share of trouble.”
“I really appreciate ...
... it. I wouldn’t put you at risk if I had any other choice.”
“I’m five and half hours out of Nashville without a stop. I need to hit the head. I’ll be right back.”
She walked away toward the truck terminal a hundred yards away. She had just entered it when Jack’s phone buzzed.
“Yes,” he said, swiping open the video call. I crowded next to him and looked at the screen. It was Jo Ellen and she looked tense.
“I just got this,” she said, her voice urgent. “Two of Merkulov’s shooters landed in Rickenbacker a few hours ago. They’re probably asking about the two of you as we speak. Keep your eyes open for them.”
“Thanks, Jo Ellen. I was worried about that. We need a few more minutes to disappear off the grid.”
“Get going.” She cut the call.
Jack’s precautions paid off – we saw the car’s headlights as it turned off the access road onto the wide concrete apron, still several hundred yards away from us.
“This looks like trouble,” he said. “Get out of sight, behind Amber’s semi. If anything happens to me, just run. And keep running, don’t look back.”
“But, Jack, let them take me back to Sergei. I want you to be safe –”
“Don’t argue, Parveen Aziza. Just do as I say.”
His expression was hard and uncompromising, so I did as he said. The car stopped about fifty yards away and two men spilled out. They had guns in their hands and then Jack was shooting at them. The sound of the shots was abrupt, ‘pow’, ‘pow’, ‘pow’, and carried in the cold air. Jack hit one of ...