1. Family Secrets 3 : The rape of Laura.

    Date: 8/1/2024, Categories: Fiction Anal Consensual Sex Domination/submission Humiliation Incest Rape Romance Teen Female/Boy, Teen Male / Female Author: Mounton

    ... want.”
    “Me too Mum,” he said, flicking her nipples with his fingers, “l can’t even fuck you this evening when Dad goes out.”
    “He’s not going out this evening,” she replied, “we bumped into Peter’s parents in town and they invited us round to their place this evening, l was hoping your father would think of an excuse but he accepted, probably because he fancies Julie, not that she’s likely to let him get his hands on her. She would be so disappointed when she saw what he’s got down below. What are you doing?”
    “I have to try and find Heather and apologise for this morning, l was so frustrated, l went down to the shop she works at, she thought l wanted to fuck her properly but all l did was shove my cock up her and cum, she got upset, said l was treating her like a cum dump. I know it was wrong Mum, l do like her, l know she has a reputation and she deserves it but she’s still fun to be with, she doesn’t try to pretend to be something she isn’t. I thought l might see if she’ll let me take her to the cinema.”
    His mother pulled her bra down, arranging her breasts inside comfortably then did her dress up. She reached for her purse and took out some notes.
    “Here,” she said, “take her for a nice meal instead, make her feel special, that new restaurant that has opened up by the castle is supposed to be nice.” She handed him some more notes, “give her a nice time, it will do you both good.”
    “Thank you Mum,” he said, walking round and kissing her, giving her breasts ...
    ... a squeeze as he did. “I’ve put a new magazine and a book in my bedside cabinet if you want them, l haven’t looked at them but he said they were the strongest he had.”
    “Thank you baby,” she said, giving the bulge in his trousers a pat, “have a nice evening with Heather.”
    Dan walked down to the bottom of town to the restaurant near the castle. It was deserted but open. He went inside and a man who looked like he could be the owner came to him.
    “I don’t know if you can help me,” he said, “l’ve heard this is a very nice place and l would like to bring my girlfriend here for a meal this evening.”
    The man said that there were vacancies for that evening and suggested eight o’clock as the best time.
    “The trouble is,” Dan said, “l want it to be a bit special but l don’t know if l can afford it.”
    The man sat him down and showed him the menu, Dan was mentally totalling up all the prices.
    “Look,” the man said, “you seem like a decent lad and you want to treat your girlfriend, l understand that, let me see if l can help, how much can you afford?”
    Dan pulled out all the money his mother had given him and put it on the table. The man counted it up.
    “I think we can manage it,” he said, he gave Dan a couple of notes back. “You might need that to buy the young lady a box of chocolates or something.”
    “Do we have to order anything special to keep the cost down?” Dan asked.
    “No,” he replied, “you can order anything from the menu, starter, main course and desert, ...