1. Family Secrets 3 : The rape of Laura.

    Date: 8/1/2024, Categories: Fiction Anal Consensual Sex Domination/submission Humiliation Incest Rape Romance Teen Female/Boy, Teen Male / Female Author: Mounton

    ... she said, “really horrible, don’t you ever try that again.”
    “Give it a couple of days and you’ll be begging me to do it again,” he smirked.
    “You arrogant bastard,” she said, “you think just because you’ve got a big cock that girls will do anything for you, what about Mary, l heard she dumped you.”
    “She didn’t dump me,” he said, “l got fed up with her, she might as well have a padlock on her cunt, no-one is getting in there without a marriage certificate, she wasn’t worth the trouble, there’s plenty of girls in town that will do it, you’ve been doing it for two years at least.”
    “I have not,” she said.
    “Yes you have,” he said, “Colin Sharpe told me that when you were his girlfriend he was fucking you.”
    “In his dreams,” she laughed, “l wouldn’t even let him get his hand in my panties, l sucked his cock once that was all and that was only for a second then l wanked him off and that was all.”
    “So who was your first then?“ he asked.
    “I’m not telling you that,” she said, “anyway, why are we even having this conversation, you got what you came for no go, fuck off away from me and don’t ever come near me again.”
    “You’ll change your tune,” he said, standing beside the bed over her holding his cock, “you just came with this up your cunt, l bet you don’t cum with Paul, you’ll be back with me before the week is out, l guarantee it.”
    Just then they heard the front door opening, seconds later their mother called up the stairs.
    “We’re home kids,” she ...
    ... shouted, “we’ve brought fish and chips, l’ll plate it up but come down and get it before it goes cold.”
    “I can’t go down there like this,” Laura said, wiping her tears away with the quilt.
    “I’ll go down and make up an excuse for you,” he said, “l’ll bring your meal up.”
    He went down to the kitchen, his mother was putting the meal onto plates.
    “Where’s Dad?” He asked.
    “He bought some tools,” she replied, “he’s putting them away in the shed.”
    “Good,” he said, stepping behind her, putting his arms round her and squeezing her breasts.
    “Mmmmmm,” she sighed, leaning back against him pushing her bottom against his crotch. “Where’s Laura?” She asked.
    “Upstairs,” he replied, “she can’t come down, she been crying, l raped her.”
    “You what?” She cried, turning to face him.
    “Well it wasn’t really rape,” he said, “she fought me a bit and tried to stop me but once l started fucking her she came so it wasn’t proper rape, l didn’t hit her or anything, just held her down and fucked her.”
    “You bastard,” she said.
    “That’s what she called me,” he laughed, squeezing her breasts again and starting to unbutton her dress.
    “Stop it,” she pushed his hands away, “your father will be back any minute. Did you really force her, hold her down and fuck her?”
    “Yes,” he said.
    “And she struggled, kicking and screaming?”
    “She tried,” he said, “but l was too strong for her, she even struggled when l had my cock in her but then once l started fucking her properly l could ...