Family Secrets 3 : The rape of Laura.
Date: 8/1/2024,
Consensual Sex
Teen Female/Boy,
Teen Male / Female
Author: Mounton
... that but you have always taken long enough to make me cum.”
She looked at her watch.
“If l’m going to be ready l’d better get home to change.”
He walked her all the way to her door, she turned and kissed him.
“Thank you for saying you’re sorry,” she said, “does this mean that l am officially your girlfriend, if you say yes l promise not to do it with anyone else.”
“I’m not putting any restrictions on you Heather,” he said, “what you do with your body is your business, there may be long periods when l am not available to fuck you, you’re used to regular sex, if you want to go with someone else you’re free to do so. I can tell you that l will be fucking other girls and women so l don’t want you getting all possessive.”
“But l’ll still be your girl friend though?”
“Yes, if that’s what you want l will tell people that you are my girlfriend.”
“Oh thank you,” she said, throwing her arms around his neck and kissing him.
“I’ll pick you up at half past seven,” he said as she entered the front door.
Dan called in at Peter’s on the way home. They had a telephone, Dan had been telling his father for ages that they should get one but his father said they were too expensive. He asked Peter if he could phone his Uncle who was a taxi driver. Dan spoke to him and asked if he would pick him up, and Heather and take them to the restaurant, he said he could do that but how were they going to get home.
“Look,” he said, “l’ll give you the number of a radio base ...
... station, call them and they will call me on the radio.”
Dan was happy with the arrangement and went home to change.
When he got there his mother and father were getting ready to go out, he thought his mother looked good in one of her better dresses, it had a deep V neck that showed her cleavage.
“You look nice Mum,” he said quietly, they were in the hall and his father was in the bathroom.
“Thank you,” she said.
“Does Dad like you showing your tits off?”
“No he’s not happy but l don’t care, do you want a feel?”
He slipped his hand into her dress, squeezing her tit and pinching her nipple.
“Mmmmm, god l’m so horny Dan,” she said, “l wish l could stay in and have you fuck me all evening.”
“I can’t Mum,” he said, “l’ve promised Heather.” He moved to her other tit, scooping it out of her dress.
“You naughty boy,” she giggled, “quick, suck my nipple.”
He bent and sucked on her nipple, it was as hard as a bullet in his mouth, he bit down on it hard, heard her groan and felt her knees buckle.
They heard the bathroom door opening, he released her and she replaced her tit. She was flushed bright pink, she had to walk away into the kitchen to calm down.
Dan wished his father a pleasant evening but he only grunted in response.
Dan went upstairs to change. He only had one suit but it was fairly new and had only been worn once. He was pleased with his appearance.
As he left his bedroom, Laura was walking towards him on the landing.
“I thought ...