1. Learning My Place As a Dogsitter

    Date: 7/28/2024, Categories: Fiction Ass to mouth Bestiality, Non-consensual sex Rape Violence Author: OverAndOut

    ... the long driveway, slowly making our way through the newly budding trees. I wave at the older couple on their porch.
    “Thanks, Mina! Come over sometime and we’ll hang out, they said it was fine.” I say, grabbing my overnight bag from her back seat.
    “For sure, probably noon the day after tomorrow,” she calls.
    Paul and Linda Beech come down the red wooden steps and wave as Mina pulls away. Their car sits packed to the side of the driveway.
    Linda gives me a hug, “It’s so good to see you again.”
    Paul shakes my hand, “Thanks so much for doing this, we really appreciate it.”
    “It’s really no trouble, I’m here for the summer.”
    Paul takes my overnight bag for me as they lead me up the steps. The dogs and bouncing around inside.
    “So Zeus and Mars are excited to meet you,” says Linda with a chuckle,
    “Well I’m sure we’ll get along well.”
    Paul opens the door to a flurry of fur.
    “Okay sit! Sit!”
    The dogs are vibrating, their tails swish across the shiny hardwood floor. Paul sets my bag to the side of the entry way, their eyes follow his every movement.
    Linda points to the bigger of the two dogs, “That’s Zeus, the other one is Mars. We named them cause he’s quick as lightning and he’s Zeus’ little warrior. Obviously, we know mixing mythology is a no-no, but who cares?”
    They’re big dogs, Zeus is easily my weight and stand up to my chest. I’m not sure what kind of dogs they are, mutts for sure. You don’t see dogs with testicles anymore.
    Paul stands ...
    ... between us, “Okay, come say hi.”
    With that the dogs bounce up and circle around me, sniffing. Zeus puts his head in my crotch, pulling my skirt up with his snout. I step back, laughing.
    Linda swats at them, “Get out of there. Sorry about that.”
    “It’s okay, that’s just their way of saying hello.”
    “Well it’s bad manners,” she chuckles.
    Nails click on the wood as we walk the house.
    “You can use the TV and we left two nights food in the fridge. Shower is in the guest bathroom,” She points to the dogs, “They need to go out in the morning and before bed, same for food. Just give them two scoops each from the big bag in the pantry.”
    There’s a huge bag of food in the open pantry door, enough to feed them, maybe. A glass coffee table sits surrounded by an off white, U-shaped couch.
    “You can also just let them out for a few hours, they like to lay under the tree out there. They’re very well behaved, we had them trained.”
    Zeus and Mars flank me on either side during the tour. I use both hands to pat each of them on the head.
    Paul motions to his watch, “Honey, we’ve gotta go.”
    “Right. Jess, money is on the counter with our phone number, call us if you have any problems.”
    She fumbles with her key ring, “I almost forgot, you’ll need this!”
    We walk to the door and she gives me another hug, “Thanks again, we really appreciate it.”
    Paul laughs, “It’s the easiest money you’ll ever make!”
    With that they open the door and we walk out onto the porch. ...