1. Modified Adverts Ch. 07

    Date: 7/27/2024, Categories: Incest/Taboo, Author: byJason_T, Source: Literotica

    ... almost-naked in the car. I continued stroking my cock, moaning louder at the lecherous display. Mom didn't bother to cover up her body. She merely concentrated on driving. Although, she was grinning silently.
    Just as we were about to arrive at our college, I was also about to approach orgasm. Anna calmly handed me a wet cloth soaked in warm water, which she had prepared before we left home. I thanked her and wrapped it around my cock head. She leaned forward to kiss me, and we began to make out.
    As I achieved orgasm and ejaculated my fresh cum into the warm cotton cloth, I moaned loudly into Anna's mouth. She moaned back.
    Anna and I continued making out throughout my orgasm.
    "Alright, kids. We've arrived." Mom calmly announced.
    I looked over. We have arrived at the parking lot. Mom had tidied up her outfit, and was admiring her son and daughter making out.
    Update: Nude Teaching
    In large part due to my modified programs, many people in my college were well aware of Nude Teaching, including students, teachers and college staffs. Female teachers had begun discussing amongst themselves the possibility of conducting Nude Teaching to selected students. Many were excited by the prospect of baring their naked bodies in class. They viewed it as a form of supporting the new trend of feminism, being brave enough to embrace their true ...
    ... identity, to show everyone their true feminine curves.
    Casual gossips frequently revolved around which brand of stiletto heels to wear during Nude Teaching, and how many male students would lose control and orgasm in their pants before class ends. My ads had convinced the teachers the most effective method to conduct Nude Teaching was to wear fuck-me-stilettos, with open-toe design and at least six-inches heels or taller.
    My edited ads also proposed ideas on how to educate male students about controlling their sexual urges. It was deemed normal for their bodies to react sexually towards the presence of a nude female (wearing sexually-arousing stiletto heels), but they must be taught to learn self-control. It was understandable to develop sexual fantasies and sexual desires for their teachers, but if the students wish to initiate physical contact (to explore their feminine bodies), they must learn how to ask the teachers for consent first.
    Subsequently, teachers were advised to treat the exploration as a part of Sexual Education. Modern day young adults face difficulty in having a supportive adult to help guide them through modern-day society. Whenever students ask for permission to touch their bodies, teachers were encouraged to seize this opportunity to educate and guide the students. Praise them for asking permission beforehand, and guide them along as they slowly explore the teachers' bodies, learning the names of each body parts along the ...