1. Daughter/Sister Part 1

    Date: 7/26/2024, Categories: Incest Fantasy, Author: beth10smith, Source: LushStories

    ... who got pregnant when she did. Worst of all, she had no idea why it happened and ended up being thrown out of her home for bringing dishonour to the family. As to be expected, the boy got off scot-free. I certainly do not want to put myself at risk like that?”
    I was stunned when my prim and austere Mum said, “I am glad you have not made out with anyone yet, but I hope you have not been completely put off by what happened to those girls. You need to find a partner or partners with whom to get up close and personal, and quite soon.”
    “Why on earth would I do that?”
    “Girls are fed a lot of rose-tinted tosh about marriage, but the reality can be very dark for most if they know nothing about the good and bad of being a couple and how to cope with its challenges. Once a girl ties the knot, she loses her right to think and act for herself unless her husband permits it. Typically, that is unusual. Instead, the husband will be an old-school dominant, and she will be left with no choice but to serve without demurring his every demand as a housekeeper, plaything, and baby maker. Sadly, for our Puritan masters, this often-loveless existence is their ideal. It is no wonder that many married women become bitter and twisted or, in the worst of circumstances, completely doolally. However, it does not have to be like that if you acquire the necessary feminine know-how before you take the plunge.”
    “You are scaring me. But I assume it was not like that for you and Dad.”
    “At first, he was quite traditional in his thinking, so it could have been. But by then, my Mum, your grandma, had taken things in hand and become my sexual guide and mentor.”
    “The critical thing to know about boys is that while virtually all of them act the rough macho sex machine in front of their mates, once they are one-on-one with you, the majority are just as clueless and scared of intimacy as girls. The fear of humiliation due to failure to perform is all-consuming for them. So, by...