1. Costumed Sex with a Vintage Lady

    Date: 7/26/2024, Categories: True Story Latex fetish, Male / Older Female, Mature Author: newusa, Source: sexstories.com

    Costumed Sex with a Vintage Lady
    After much hassles I managed to rent a room in a house about forty-five minutes of driving from the city. The landlady imposed some serious restrictions on me. I could use her refrigerator and freezer but I could only warm my cooked food in her microwave oven. I could not invite more than two people into her house at any time, and I could not use her living room.
    I had very little interaction with mey landlady. Obviously she was forced by her circumstances to take in a lodger but was not enthusiastic about making me her friend. I sometimes fantasized about having a closer relationship with her though. She was an attractive woman. Fuck it, she was downright "hot".
    One afternoon as I was getting ready to take my shower I heard a cry from the kitchen. I rushed in and found Mrs. Kopliz standing over a conning-ware on the floor with its content spewed all over. The falling pan seemed to have landed on her foot. Mrs. Kopliz was in pain. It was a pretty heavy ten-inch diameter cooking pan after all. I volunteered to take care of the mess in the kitchen and she asked me to help her get to the living room. I grabbed her right hand and she managed to walk all the way to the couch.
    I examined her injury. It did not look that serious, but I decided to play it up and make a big deal out of it. I felt that this was an opportunity to break the ice between us. I suggested that she let me make her dinner. I also suggested that she sleep in my ...
    ... downstairs bedroom for the night instead of going upstairs to her own bedroom because then she could get my help when she needed to go to the toilet in the night. She agreed. I made her a simple dinner of grilled ham-cheese sandwitches, some slices of kiwi fruit and a bowl of canned corn chawder. She wanted me to have my dinner with her in the living room.
    After dinner we watched about two hours of TV and talked about ourselves. Her husband had passed away a year ago. Her son was in the armed forces and was currently stationed abroad. She also had a daughter living in California with her family. I brought her blanket and some of her toiletries from upstairs and Victoria got herself ready for bed. I did some work on my laptop in the kitchen before retiring to the couch for the night.
    The next day was a Saturday. Most of the swelling on her foot had gone and she was able to move around albeit with a slight hobble. I advised her to stay off her feet so she taught me how to cook her casserole. I also defrosted and heated up two packets of frozen restaurant take-out meals. We shared our food during lunch. After lunch we relaxed in the living room and we discovered that we actually shared a deep love for English literature and Chopin's music. I got her permission to play a few pieces on her piano. If all of these looked like some kind of courtship to you, because it was. Victoria spent her second night on my bed, just in case she needed my help in the night.
    Next morning, ...