1. Hubby's Tales - My Slutty Wife

    Date: 7/25/2024, Categories: Cheating Author: Leeza, Source: LushStories

    ... knowing that she was allowing him to approach her that way.Her head was nodding and she was smiling as the men continued making passes at her. They now had her seated sideways on the stool. She was no longer facing the bar. The man who had his leg between my wife’s knees slid one hand onto her leg. Gently he brushed her skirt upward.My eyes almost popped out of my head as I saw her place her hand on his and move it even farther up her leg. Even though I was becoming concerned as to how far things would go, my arousal prevented me from doing anything to stop it. I moved closer so I could see all of what was happening.He then brushed her skirt upward on her other leg. She parted her legs a bit more. One more little push and her skirt was now up enough to see her pussy. I could see moisture glistening on her lips from the faint glow of light from the bar signs. I could see all of the men now had more intense looks on their faces. Some licked their lips as they caught their first glimpse of my wife’s moist pussy lips.I still did nothing to stop it. I had complete faith in Leeza, although I was having some doubts as to how far she was going to let this go. Along with those doubts, I also had hopes that she would let it go even further. Then I saw one of the men loosen his belt.“Was he going to fuck her right there?”I wanted to yell.“That’s enough!”But I couldn’t make the words come out. I just positioned myself so that I could see what was now taking place. Two of them ...
    ... positioned themselves so that no one entering the bar would see what was going on. The third man was sitting on the bar stool to the right of my wife.His belt hung loose. He then slid one thumb behind the button on his pants and pushed it free. Slowly he slid his zipper down as he looked at my wife. Her eyes glanced down at what he was doing. She did nothing to stop him. I reached down and rubbed my cock. It was hard as a rock.Leeza then turned to the men who were standing beside her. She smiled at them as they spoke to her. She nodded her head and said something to them. They both smiled. Then I saw the man between her legs slide his pants down to his knees. He was now standing between my wife’s legs in just his boxers. I could see a huge bulge in them.He pressed forward and spread her legs open even more. I knew he would now be able to easily slide his cock into her if that was his plan. Her wet lips glistened and were slightly parted. I thought I would cum in my pants as I stared at them.Somehow in all of what was going on her left tit had slipped completely out of her top. Her nipple was hard and erect. One of the men beside her reached up and gently rolled it between his fingers. I saw my wife lean back a little as she felt him caressing it.I was so lost in all that was happening that I just sat and watched. I could feel my cock pulsing in my pants. I was mesmerized and aroused by this strange man massaging my wife’s tit and pinching her hard nipple.I thought I could hear her ...