1. Eadric and the Sisters of Twilight

    Date: 7/24/2024, Categories: Celebrities & Fan Fiction, Author: byLenaTrueshield, Source: Literotica

    ... about."
    Von Gloragam considered his words briefly, still standing atop a rock. "You make a fair point, soldier. Though there is always the chance that moving along the perimeter of these woods would make it likelier that we get assailed by Skaven. I would much prefer we take our chances with the elves than with the ratmen. And, as you two are under my command, it is my responsibility to -"
    His words were cut short as both Blareth and Eadric's eyes went to the massive spear now protruding from his chestplate. They watched on with horror as the man in the golden armor was lifted from his feet by a hulking beast of a Skaven, a monstrosity of flesh and metal, its beady red eyes shimmering with malice.
    "Yes-yes! Slay-kill the man-things! Doom and curses!" came a cry from the trees as two dozen of the rodent-like humanoids descended upon them, howling. While most of the creatures were smaller than full-grown men, they remained formidable foes, their wicked blades coming down upon the three humans.
    With his back to the rat ogre, Von Gloragam grabbed the sword at his hip, the blade gleaming in the dim light of the forest. No light could pierce the canopy of the Everwood, it seemed, save for that of the Emperor.
    "Emperor protect us! Fight on, soldiers! Fight on!" shouted the knight as his blade cut down two of the rat-men with a single swing. The rat ogre, still shaken by the display, regained its wits. Its huge paw came down at Von Gloragam, attempting to catch the ...
    ... warrior off-guard. With speed that belied his stature, he tackled the giant creature, knocking the wind from its lungs.
    Blareth and Eadric, meanwhile, had their hands full with only a handful of the Skaven band, their weapons barely enough to keep the vermin at bay while they were slowly pushed against the rock upon which Von Gloragam still stood, battling the gigantic, brown-furred beast.
    With no hint of hesitation, he thrust his great blade into the Skaven's stomach, piercing upwards into the creature's heart. The monster fell backward, barreling through a handful of Skaven who were climbing up the rock.
    Still, more of them came, an endless tide of the abominable rat-warriors and the priests commanding them. Their numbers were too great. Both fighter and farmhand, armed with spear and pitchfork, fended off the creatures, but could not find room enough to slay any of them.
    Eadric tried to find an opening, a way to escape, to save himself. He found himself out of breath and out of hope. Blood from a dozen of the Skaven slain by Von Gloragam trickled down towards Blareth and Eadric, running down the rock and down their back.
    Von Gloragam, exhausted from his battle against the rat ogre and losing vast quantities of blood, found himself falling to his knees. He struggled to raise his blade to deflect an oncoming strike.
    "It was an honor fighting alongside you," Eadric said, turning his head to Blareth. What he saw there, instead of the simple farmer's boy, was a ...