1. Guided

    Date: 7/24/2024, Categories: Erotic Poems, Author: Fluttered, Source: LushStories

    His dark touch
    guides me
    As I am ravaged by
    his careful whispers
    penetrate the
    fluttering in my heart
    His deep howl
    silences me
    demanding self-control
    He pushes against the wall
    my black lace lines part
    as my petals do fall
    Come closer
    with no hindrance
    take me now
    your naked passion
    every thrust
    my senses stirring
    bodies entwined
    shallow pleasures
    and my neck wears your mark
    Mm... that feeling of awe
    deeper and deeper
    purring a soft meow
    Flames of ecstasy slide
    as we slip and dip
    climaxing heightens
    then caving in
    Pure silence reigns
    as our hearts beat
    as one