1. Getting To It

    Date: 7/24/2024, Categories: Incest Fantasy, Author: Toclav, Source: LushStories

    Wendy reached over to touch it.
    Time stood still. She held my erect penis in her hand, and then she started to gently masturbate me. At that moment, I was reciting the alphabet backwards, remembering my eleven-times table, listing the football clubs in the championship—anything to take my mind off the pleasure I was getting from Wendy's experienced hand. I'd even closed my eyes to help it last longer.
    I was doing so well until I felt her lips on my penis, and my cock was in her mouth. I came. I was mortified. But satisfied too. I opened my eyes, and Wendy showed me the cum in her mouth as she swallowed. She leant over to me, and we kissed. Part of me remembered that my ex-wife hated cum in her mouth, so this had never happened to me before, and part of me thought that after all these years, I was snogging Wendy! Happy thoughts, and I went with the flow.
    Of course, while all this was happening, we were still in the sauna, which was getting hotter and hotter. We left the sauna quickly and stood under the outdoor shower. Wendy had mentioned this before, that it was cold only, and she said it was invigorating. At that moment, I had forgotten this, so when she started the shower, the cold water was a huge shock. Any lingering erection died in those brief few seconds of cold water!
    I was out of my depth with Wendy, and I realised that she was making the running, and I was trying desperately to catch up from behind. Two thumbs up, a silly grin, and brilliant! She ...
    ... started to get back into the hot tub, and as I joined her, I began to understand her invigorating comment. All of my skin buzzed, and I felt so alive.
    "Did you mind that?" she asked.
    "Are you kidding? That was amazing, even better than I'd ever imagined."
    "What? You've thought about me before?"
    So, I told her about peeking on her in the veranda in the park, about lusting after her legs, and those of Aunty Marion, about people talking about her being promiscuous, her affairs, and even the rumour about her and her Mum sharing and swapping guys. She just laughed and said, "Guilty!"
    My erection started to grow once more!
    "How did that happen, Wendy?"
    "With being drunk and stoned! Well, the first time at least. After that, it was much easier."
    "Lucky guys!"
    Aunty Marion had Wendy when she was seventeen, so there wasn't a huge age gap between them. Their similar looks and bodies meant they often shared clothes and their wild natures, which others outside of the family noticed and criticised, leaving few morals to get in the way of pure pleasure. Neither of them had ever wanted to have a proper relationship with guys—to get married and settle down. That wasn't their way, and Wendy told me that though her Mum had slowed down somewhat (after all, she was eighty-one by now!), Wendy's own sexual life was still, in her words, great. She didn't want me to get the wrong impression!
    It was starting to get a little dark, and I wasn't sure how far the afternoon was ...