The Hot Older Woman in Apt. 2-D
Date: 7/24/2024,
Author: byJaRo76
... music, the wine, her vulnerability, our new strange connection that made me see her differently than I had even considered in that instant. And she looked up at me without letting go and as our faces were so close and...
I kissed her.
I kissed her small old mouth with my young eager tongue. She accepted it with grace and the excitement of someone who wasn't expecting to be kissed, but very much welcomed it. It was electrifying! I can still feel her in my arms, reaching up around my neck and pulling me into her mouth. The kiss was magical. It did not feel like the kiss you get from your granny, and as we broke the kiss and slowly backed away, we gazed deep into each other's eyes and you could FEEL the connection grow with sparks into flames.
"Wow, Ricky, I had NO IDEA!" she gasped.
"Holy shit, Eddie, I'm not gonna lie. Neither did I!" I breathed out at last.
We came back in and kissed again, mouths on fire for one another, tongues darting in and out of each other's mouths. Hungry, passionate kissing unlike any I have ever experienced. What was this new amazing sensation? How could I be making out THIS HARD with a woman more than twice my age? And why was it so incredible? The questions swirled in my mind even as my tongue swirled in her mouth. After a small eternity passed with our faces pressed together she pulled away and managed to blurt out,
"Well shit, it seems I've had too much wine to drive all my stuff home. Any chance you could help me?"
"Of ...
... course!" I said. I certainly wasn't just going to abandon her there. Plus, my head was abuzz with all of these new sensations and I was hoping to maybe get one more kiss when I dropped her off at home. Horny boy that I was!
We packed her stuff into her truck and drove it the 10 minutes across town, making fun of the idiot gallery owner who was doomed to fail, and how she was better off without that lousy job. Just trying to make her feel okay about it. I can tell you now, she was already done with that job and was thinking about a different one!
We got up to the door of the building, and I just stood there not knowing which apartment to go up to.
"I'm 2-D," she said after seeing me looking around.
"I'm which key," I asked dangling her key ring in front of her. She laughed and grabbed them out of my hand and let us in to apartment 2-D. I brought her box of stuff in and sat it down on a stack of stuff inside. She was not expecting visitors, judging by the stacks of stuff everywhere. Her apartment was a single room with a kitchen on one side, and a giant bed in the middle of a sea of stuff. Habit trails were cut through to let her get at everything, but this was definitely a room that didn't have more than one person in, for a WHILE. I felt honored that she would let me into her inner sanctum and she called me over to the kitchen.
"Well, now that I've got you in here, now I need to decide what to do with ya!" she said in her thick drawl with a flash of that southern ...