1. The BOOK of RENEE Ch. 05

    Date: 7/24/2024, Categories: Exhibitionist & Voyeur, Author: bymondotoken, Source: Literotica

    ... towel drying himself off. He got out feeling somehow rejuvenated.
    "Oh, she gave it back." Jaquan found his top which had been pilfered after a night of unbridled passion and sexual savagery with the eldest Kelly woman, the defacto matriarch, Daisy Mae. He slipped it on then got it in his head that maybe she was waiting on the other side of the door in the buff. There was a familiar twitch and pulse in his loins as he grabbed the door handle cracking it to peer into the corridor.
    "Uh, oh!" Jaquan found someone else in the hallway standing a foot away from the door caught mid-movement giving him the impression she might have been eavesdropping. The enormous swell of her shelf-like butt stretched the white diaphanous material to the limit while also making it clear she was nude underneath. Her tiny feet were bare awkwardly placed as if she were about to run off.
    "Honey?" She was turned away but reached up pulling her hair down over her face, hunched over.
    He caught a glimpse of her battered features. Before he could say another word, she threw open the door at the opposite end of the corridor, quickly bolting leaving it to slam loudly. She was damn near a blur of movement as he ran after her grabbing the knob, hearing a second slam that told him she'd run out of the front door.
    "WAIT!" Jaquan ran after her concerned after the last time they were together. She been dragged off through the field after Daisy Mae pummeled them both but humbled him sexually as well ...
    ... as physically.
    The middled wild child of Kelly's had been utterly destroyed under big ham sized fists with the stopping power of cinderblocks. Honey knew what would happen when Daisy Mae got ahold of her but tried to run anyway. In hindsight it made their own sexual interludes feel illicit, taboo. He just wanted to talk.
    "HEY WAIT A MINUTE!!" Jaquan ran after her to the screen door peering out to find her hurriedly running towards the wooded area with the ankle length dress gathered up in her fists at the hem.
    Honey stopped short right in front of the thick foliage and brush still facing away from Jaquan. She remained faced away from him far enough to disappear into the woods if she wanted but didn't. This made him hesitate as he stepped onto the front porch trying to figure out if he should go over. He was conflicted and lost in himself in a world wind weekend that saw him bedding the Kelly women in succession. This pervasive sense of shame washed over him as he took one step down, then another.
    "Uhm, are you okay?" Jaquan measured his steps getting closer noticing she hunched even more, appearing to shiver at the sound of his voice. Before anyone could say anything, the sound of the screen door interrupted them, drawing Jaquan's attention back to the porch. Daisy Mae was standing there.
    "HONEY CHILD, YOU GOING SOMEWHERE?!" She called out to the troubled middle child directing Jaquan's attention back to the woman almost crouching, tugging down on her own more ...