1. The BOOK of RENEE Ch. 05

    Date: 7/24/2024, Categories: Exhibitionist & Voyeur, Author: bymondotoken, Source: Literotica

    ... throughout the night. Jaquan was under no illusions that he was anywhere near her league and now he felt the same way about Renee.
    "You're doing it again."
    "Thinking; Jaquan, you've got to let go and just uhm, flow with it. You know, live in the moment." Daisy Mae set the brush aside using a towel to wash his face. He was directed to sit up right for a moment as she used a small bucket pouring the scented water over his head.
    "I don't know what to say to that."
    "Why do you think you have to say anything?" Daisy Mae commented working on his back making sure he was completely bathed from head to toe.
    "I'm just trying to..."
    She reared up beside the tub leaning over it pressing her lips to his, silencing Jaquan's overtures regarding his relationship with Renee. Daisy Mae used the towel in her hand to stroke his manhood casually as her tongue swirled about in his mouth. In moments he was letting go drifting into her embrace, finding her other arm at the back of his neck as Daisy Mae cradled him between her arms. The fragrance and her scent were everywhere as she made out with Jaquan quieting his inner turmoil, stilling it in calm.
    "Just feel; that's all you gotta do right now." She moaned into his mouth kissing him with unfettered passion stroking a bit harder. His manhood was visible above the chalky water covered with the towel making her laugh girlishly stealing a glance at his profile until he met her eyes; they jointly watched her hand play ...
    ... with his cock watching veins sprout on its surface as the skin tightened.
    "How do you, do that?"
    "Do what baby?" Daisy Mae replied focused on her hand jerking him off creating these splashes of scented water. He likened the smell to a saccharine potpourri.
    "Uhm, we did it a lot last night; we uh, set it off and I ain't gonna lie, I was blasted. I-uhm, well you know how to touch me, make me hard as a motherfucker." Daisy Mae chuckled under her breath amused at how Jaquan was tripping over his words, overtly anxious.
    "What if I said I had a lot of practice?"
    "I don't know; have you uh, had a lot of practice Daisy Mae?" She varied her stroke and the pressure considering his question with a half-smile on her face.
    "Around these parts, I don't have a lot to do in the way of hobbies when I'm taking a break from my purpose."
    "For what?"
    "You know, being hot and bothered I guess; wasn't always like that for me early on, but them boys came a calling something serious soon enough. Granny used to break off so many switches on my fat tail saying I was teasing all the menfolk down here, as she called them. Some old guy tried to buy me off her and I think granny was considering it."
    "Buy you?!" Daisy Mae paused for a moment, looking at his face with a hand still wrapped around his prick.
    "Well, later on I got it out back right behind this house in the gazebo; yeah, a lot of them fellas got their fill of me that day. Then, it was my turn to get mine until they ...