1. Making Amends

    Date: 7/23/2024, Categories: Fantasy Coercion Domination/submission Erotica First Time Male Domination, Male/Female Older Male / Female, Spanking, Virginity Author: AnonTheMouseKing, Source: sexstories.com

    ... come down to carry the will of the eternals themselves to us mere mortals.” Sienna couldn't help but bite her lip as the handsome foreigner gave a little bow in her direction, the heat raging in her cheeks steadfastly refusing to die down. She... hadn't been entirely certain what she was preparing herself for, not really, but if she didn't know better she might have thought the man was courting her. Whatever the motives for such an approach, it caught her entirely off guard.
    It was hard to be certain, but when the man straightened back up a moment later she thought his smile stretched a little higher up his cheeks than it had before. He gave Sienna little chance to dwell on that suspicion, though, before beginning to speak once more. “If I might be so bold, the outfit you wore this morning flattered you not even a tenth so much as that you wear now. Truly, seldom have I seen a fairer maiden. But, I digress. To what do I owe the most exquisite pleasure of your company, milady?”
    Such a question, while entirely natural on its face, caught Sienna by such surprise that she nearly took a step back. The man had to know why she had come, didn't he? And even had her visit not been prearranged, surely he was not such a fool as to think it customary for Leithien women to pay visits to men they scarcely knew dressed as she was. Then, that could only mean that... he wanted her to be the one who first broached the subject? To offer herself up? Was that it?
    Not for the first time, ...
    ... Lady Sienna found herself wishing that matters of court could be as straightforward as those of a battlefield. Deception was key to warfare, true, but concealing troops for an ambush or disguising one's intentions via feint and misdirection was entirely different from the kind of maneuvers men like the one before her practiced on a daily basis. When words could mean a dozen things at once and each was as dangerous as a knife, when the only way to win was for your opponent to be oblivious of your intent until the moment their throat had been cut, when enemies treated one another with more courtesy than friends... In such a life it became only second nature to dance around the truth. For one like Sienna, who had never particularly wanted much more out of life than to be an honest soldier, such verbal sparring was nearly beyond fathoming. For her, the only way to win such a fight was not to take part.
    “I... wanted to offer you my apologies, your excellency,” the blushing knight answered after a long moment's pause. “For this morning,” she swiftly added, as if there could be any doubt about just what it was she regretted. If this silver-tongued foreigner wanted to play with his food before he ate it, to flatter and tease and belittle, well then the best thing Sienna could do would be to plow straight ahead and deny him his little games. She knew why she had come calling and was resolved to do her duty, however distasteful it might be. Though, now that she had been granted the ...