Making Amends
Date: 7/23/2024,
First Time
Male Domination,
Older Male / Female,
Author: AnonTheMouseKing
... wished otherwise, it was the truth. Whatever justifications she might have had for her conduct, the young knight knew as well as anyone present how little they would mean in the end. The damage had been done, and the finer details of the incident would matter little to her victim or his master. In matters of state, truth and justice all too often paled next to the raw reality of power, if they even mattered at all. When she spoke again Sienna's voice was somber. “I have failed you. I have failed the realm. I will accept whatever consequences you deem fit, my lord.”
For what felt an age Duke Theovaire sat silent on the throne, head cradled in his fingers. The great hall was so quiet his chastised daughter imagined she could hear the beat of her own heart, perhaps even those of the fellow knights and retainers around her. Finally, her father straightened up and cast his eyes across the room, the heavy weight of his crown readily apparent to all who looked on.
“Leave us.”
Not one among the gathered courtiers proved reluctant to depart. Even Sienna's brothers, ever keen to be seen at their father's side on any occasion of note, for once seemed eager to escape the throne room. Still, the hall was large and the assembled crowd took long enough filing out for the guilt-wracked knight to once more run her mind through the events of the day.
That morning she had departed around dawn at the head of a troop of five knights charged with investigating reports that several ...
... companies of unusually well-equipped bandits had recently crossed into the duchy. An hour or so before midday they had come across a group of travelers near the imperial border who seemed to match the de***********ions they had been given. There were seven in total, six of them clearly equipped for a fight and at their head a man wearing plain but well made traveling garb in the imperial style and carrying an ornate staff.
Suspecting that the strangers before them belonged to the bandit troop they had been tasked with hunting down, Sienna and her knights had approached with their weapons unsheathed and at the ready. They rode in tight battle formation, drawing up just short of the Etraskian delegation which had hastily formed up around their leader. The escorts had rushed to bare their own weapons and one stepped forward, demanding in the foreign tongue that her knights back off. Unfortunately, when the man decided to throw in a crass insult after his demand Sienna's pride had gotten the better of her and she urged her horse forward.
One of her men, she hadn't even been sure which at the time, had then shouted that the leader was trying to cast a spell. When she turned towards him, all the young knight saw was his ornate staff lifted in her direction and his face twisted into an expression of outraged fury. Operating on pure instinct, she made a snap decision to swing her weapon, bringing the flat of her blade to bear against the side of the diplomat's head. When the man ...