1. Little Sister Shana - chapter 3

    Date: 7/23/2024, Categories: Fiction Blowjob Incest Lesbian Male / Females Mind Control, Author: Limnophile, Source: sexstories.com

    ... should get a long cigarette holder, to keep the smoke away from your face.”
    I was about to say, “Please” when our girlfriends burst in. The redhead happily declared, “Vicky’s baby is moving! Feel her belly!”
    I reached to feel, and Shana cursed loudly, “FUCKING DAMMIT! I thought it would be another month!”
    I asked, “What? What’s wrong?”
    “The baby is quickening!” She saw the confusion on my face and hurriedly explained, “She started moving! If she moves around too much, I can’t shell her! I should have her inside me by now! We need to hurry!”
    Vicky asked, “How can we help?”
    My sister pulled away from me and my penis left her anus with a “POP!” and a loud fart. The pregnant lesbians and I giggled, but the expression on Shana’s face was serious and intense. She instructed, “We need to be at the college dorm NOW! All of you, hurry up and get dressed!”