1. Double climax for Lynn

    Date: 7/23/2024, Categories: Essay , Anal BDSM Cheating Domination/submission Interracial, Male/Female Voyeurism Wife Author: Diamondjim69, Source: sexstories.com

    ... her stretched bum, and the firm pressure he was putting on her breasts. Peeking through the slit of her mask Lynn saw the massive hands, gripping and pulling on her milky white breast, were as black as the sheets on the bed.
    As Lynn continued to tease the pulsating stroking cock, she wondered how his hot cum was going to feel upon her back. Being fucked by a big black cock was not on her bucket list. However, as Jim kept sucking on her vulva and 'Leon' stimulated her sensitive nipples while using her as a live fuck toy, color did not matter. As the slick fat cock slipped from her hands Jim began to chew her clit, causing her legs to again shake uncontrollably as another climax spilled over her. Distracted it took Lynn a few seconds to realize the new person had begun to lightly push against her anus.
    'Fuck' thought Lynn 'there is no way that fat cock is fitting in my ass.'
    Shaking her head violently "Naaaaw... Naaw... I... Aaaw... " was all she could manage with the gag in her mouth.
    Leon completely pulled away from Lynn as Jim stopped sucking on her clit and completely pulled his hands from within her pussy. All stimulation stopped and silence filled the room as the near peak of her building climax regretfully began to pull back. Disappointed, Lynn felt the gag removed from her mouth.
    "Girl, I am not raping you!" breathed a deep rich voice an inch from her ear.
    "I know," said Lynn still shaky from her last climax and disoriented from the sudden lack of any ...
    ... stimulation. "I just got scared."
    Lynn stood in silence as she felt Jim unbuckle and then remove the pole between her legs.
    Lowering her head Lynn breathed softly "Please sir... Please daddy... make love to your little girl. I promise I will be good, if only... Please, May I have some more cock?" She then kicked off the stretched red throng that was a further annoyance and hindrance to their lovemaking.
    With silent agreement on how to next proceed Jim flipped around on the bed as Leon spread more hot oil down the crack of her ass and across her already wet lips. Loving the feeling of Leon's two fat fingers poking inside of her Lynn lifted her head slightly to get a peak of Jim now facing her. Sitting on the pad, with the backs of his knees hooking the edge of the bed, Jim's ball sack was lifted supporting his swollen cock pointing up and out like a ready flagpole.
    Without any warning, Leon lifted the weak-kneed Lynn effortlessly with his meaty hands placed below each cheek of her ass. Her bound arms and back met his warm, firm, and exceptionally smooth abs. Using her very wet and needy labia Leon began to rub and coat Jim's cock with her juices and the dripping hot oil.
    "Oh my!" escaped her lips the first time her inflamed clit was touched as Leon moved her across Jim's cock head. He then positioned her so that Jim's firm wet cock was brought in contact with her wet slit to slightly pierce her opening.
    Jim pulled her forward with his hands around her hips so ...