1. Double climax for Lynn

    Date: 7/23/2024, Categories: Essay , Anal BDSM Cheating Domination/submission Interracial, Male/Female Voyeurism Wife Author: Diamondjim69, Source: sexstories.com

    ... ass. No one she cared or knew would question what she was wearing. For tonight, if it was to be their last night together, she wanted to look special.
    Before she fitted her dress, she added a little bit of make-up. In the shoebox was a bottle of Premiere by Gucci perfume. She dabbed some under her ears, under each breast, on each ankle, on each wrist, and of course on each side of her pussy.
    Covered with a red lace shawl her drive to Arlington was uneventful. At each turn, the dress shifted slightly giving her extended nipples a little tease. She blunted any more calls with a short text 'On my way, be there when I can.'
    Lynn pulled into the Hilton and enjoyed the appreciative look she got from the bellman as she was helped out of the car. Before she entered the lobby, she glanced across the street to see the strip club that had been the start of her last adventure with Holly. She had loved the tease, 'Gawd could that woman eat pussy' she thought. For tonight she wanted to finalize one last encounter with that awesome and talented cock that was waiting for her.
    Standing in the lobby she sent a short text 'Here' while the front desk staff took in the fact that the elegant lady arrived without any luggage.
    "829, end of the Hall" was the short reply to her questioning look.
    As Lynn rode the elevator up to the eighth floor, she recalled her last trip upstairs, in this very same elevator. That night she had just been seduced by the bi-sexual stripper Holly. Her ...
    ... legs had been weak and coated with cum, her pussy still dripping, and her sensitive nipples were raw from that unbelievable series of lustful lap dances. Jim had held the palm of her hand against his zipper so she could tell, from the swelling of his cock, his penetration of Holly, while she had licked, and sucked Lynn's pussy had not sated his desire.
    Lynn approached the door to 829 and noticed that the door was partially open. As she entered the room, she scanned the spacious suite to see that numerous candles where sending flickers of shadows across the room. The bed had been remade with black satin sheets and pillow covers. Upon the bed lay a large pile of black rope, a black satin sleeping blindfold, and a device she had never seen before. It was a short pole-like device with what appeared to be knee pads on each end with brown leather straps and silver buckles.
    Taking her hand from behind Lynn was startled as Jim spun her around and immediately began a long deep kiss as he pushed the door closed. Responding to his probing tongue and the seductive naked body surrounding her she felt her determination immediately begin to falter.
    "Mmmm, Please Jim" she stammered as she broke their kiss "we need to talk."
    "And?" was his response, with a cocked eyebrow.
    Bowing her head Lynn tried again "Sir, we really do need to talk. "
    "Shush" he commanded cutting her off in mid-sentence. Gripping her hand, he pulled her back towards the bed saying, "We Will talk, but ...