Things aren't Always What They Seem Pt. 02
Date: 7/22/2024,
Author: bycoollvr1
... at him one more time and closed the bathroom door.
Two hours later they had finished breakfast and put away the dishes. Jake had left for the hospital to do rounds with his new residents and Jenny was sitting watching the morning television shows.
On one station, there was a show about lovemaking. The discussion was about anal sex. To her great surprise, Jenny found it quite interesting and when it was over, she sat wondering what it really felt like.
The only sex that she ever had, was missionary sex. She had never even masturbated, so these variations were all interesting to her!
Knowing the size of Jake's magnificent cock, she was quite apprehensive about having something so large going up her butt, so she was quite skeptical about it.
As the show ended, her cell phone rang. It was her friend, Hyacinth.
"Hi, Jen, were you watching that show on anal sex?"
"Yes, I was," Jennifer responded.
"What do you think?" Hyacinth asked.
"It looks like that could be quite painful." Jennifer said.
"From what I gather, if it is done gently, its not too bad and gets better the more that you do it," Hyacinth replied.
"Ahem, Ms. Jones, do you have any personal experience that you can share?" Jenny cooed.
"No, Ms. Brown, all that I have learned is by way of hearsay." Hyacinth laughed.
"Ms. Jones, will you swear to this on a stack of bibles?" Jenny chuckled.
"You are too nosy for your own damn good, Jenny Brown,"
Hyacinth responded.
"I am just ...
... telling you what I have been told, and don't be asking me about no bibles because I hear that you have been taking some serious big dick these last few months!"
Jenny screamed, "Hyacinth Jones! You are so nasty!"
"Word has come to me from private sources that your puddy cat now has an echo." Hyacinth opined.
Jenny laughed so hard that she almost wet herself.
"Hyacinth Jones, you just jealous!" Jenny said.
"Friggin' right! All I'm getting recently is these little dick, short lasting jokers who finish before they start, and you can't even tell if they been in there!" Hyacinth shrieked and slapped the table.
Tears were rolling down Jennifer's face as she listened to Hyacinth's hilarious complaints.
"Come to think of it, can I borrow Jake for about an hour?"
Both Hyacinth and Jennifer dissolved into laughter.
After they both recovered, they continued talking about regular stuff.
When Hyacinth and Jennifer ended the conversation about an hour later, Jennifer was left wondering if anal sex was worth investigating and how younger people engaged in looser versions of domesticity with regard to sex.
When Jenny had refused to have her ex-husband watch another man have sex with her, it wasn't because she thought that the actual scenario was repulsive.
It was because he had treated her so badly that she didn't want him to touch her, far less try or do any such thing with or for him.
She also had her own fantasies including what sex with another woman ...