1. Employee Discount

    Date: 7/22/2024, Categories: Science-Fiction , Anal Blowjob Coercion Male/Teen Female Author: Limnophile, Source: sexstories.com

    ... I rested with my rigid cock still inside her. She complained a little, “Feels good, but owch!”
    I told her, “It hurts a little, but it’s excellent for the guy. And you want me to feel good, right?” I resumed thrusting as I dialed her up to “H” again. When I was close to finishing, I turned it up to “M” – MAXIMUM”.
    “YEAH! OUCH! YES! UNGH!” I came at the same time she did, spraying semen into her colon.
    As we rested a little, with my rod still in her ass, I subtly and slowly turned her down to “D”.
    As I stood and got dressed she begged me, “I love you! Can I come live with you instead? Please?”
    I turned her to “1 - Mild discomfort”
    “Sorry, Lenora, but we need to give you to your new family in a month.”
    She started crying, “That sucks! I love you!”
    I turned it to “2” as I opened the door. “That’s the way it is. Maybe I can see you again in a few days.” I left five candies on the table, knowing she’d think of me as she ate each of them.
    “Please come back soon? I’ll miss you so much! Please?”
    I locked the door as I walked out, turning her to “3 - Minor pain.” I left it there a minute, before I reset it to “0” and cleared her number from my controller. I decided she was a good one. I’d visit her again on Monday or Tuesday.
    I loved my job!
    I especially loved getting the employee discount!
    I headed home to my obedient wife and my three even more obedient daughters.