1. Quarantined with Kell, Part I

    Date: 7/22/2024, Categories: Fiction Incest Male / Older Female, Romance Author: JackDRipper, Source: sexstories.com

    ... bed. The linen sheets were soft and cool. I pulled them up around my head. In the other room I could hear the television news playing softly.
    The beer had helped calm my spinning thoughts. I had not expected to get to sleep, but to my surprise I drifted off quickly.
    Someone shook me in the darkness. I slowly opened my eyes. Light filtered in from a light that was on in the studio. In the dim glow I could see Kell standing beside the bed.
    “I'm going to bed,” she said. “I made up the couch for you.”
    “What time is it?” I asked.
    Kell pulled off her tank top. I realized she was starting to undress to get into bed. I needed to be out before that happened.
    I started to get up, then realized that I had a monstrous erection that was going to become blindingly obvious even in the dim light as soon as I got up. I hesitated.
    “You know,” Kell said, “this is a king sized bed. There is more than enough room...”
    I didn't even let her finish the thought. I rolled out of the bed and tried to hide the tent in my shorts.
    “Don't I get a bedtime hug?” she asked. There was a tight squeeze past the chest and out of the bedroom area. Kell completely blocked my path.
    “Uh...” I hesitated. That was all it took. She stepped forward and pressed herself against me. Her skin was soft and warm against mine. I could feel her chest through her bra, and recognized them from our encounter those years ago. Like old friends.
    My erection pressed against her thigh. It ...
    ... took all my maneuvering to prevent it from popping out the fly of my boxers. When she let me go I scurried past.
    Kell had made up the couch and I fell onto it, desiring more sleep but now I was wide awake. You know those nights when you are so tired that you fall asleep right away, but so wound up that if you wake up during the night you can’t get back to sleep? That was me.
    My emotions were tearing me up. My desire for Kell. My self-loathing for desiring her. The joy I had felt cuddling with her on the couch. My discomfiture at her bumping into my erection – twice now. What the hell.
    Like I always do when I am troubled by events, I started planning in my head. Plan A was to talk to Kell tomorrow about bringing my bed and a chest of drawers in from the storage area and setting up the unused section of the studio as my bedroom. She had alluded to that herself with her comment about screens. Check. Plan B. I needed a Plan B.
    Skipping Plan B for a moment, Plan C was to get a new apartment of my own. Regardless of the virus, I could still get an apartment somewhere. I could make that work if the situation here became untenable.
    Which brought me back to Plan B. Plan B, I realized, was the storage space. The bed was there and I had 24 hour access. If I had to I could crash there for a couple days until I got a new apartment. Plan B was temporary.
    I had a plan. Finally. I could sleep. Except I couldn’t. I couldn’t because my brain was formulating Plan X without my ...