1. My Neighbor's Daughter

    Date: 7/20/2024, Categories: Fiction Domination/submission First Time Male/Teen Female Teen Author: alaiseq, Source: sexstories.com

    ... mouth previously, Mr Anderson".
    "It will come naturally if you kneel down Georgia." The thought of being the first to have my cock in her young mouth made my cock even harder, so I reassured her.
    I directed her down so she was stooping between my legs at my feet. Georgia paused as she contemplated her next move, her youthful face and blonde hair framing her. She then looked up at me. I took the initiative and unzipped my pants, unbuckled my belt, and pulled out my almost-erect cock.
    Georgia looked down at my engorged length as I held my cock there. For I second I contemplated whether she planned to get up and leave, however at that point I watched a magnificent sight. Georgia's expression changed from one of surprise to one of lust. She looked at my cock with bright eyes and a pursed lip as she ran her tongue around her red lips. My cock twitched in response to her longing expression, and she smiled admirably.
    Connecting she folded her little lovely hand over the shaft of my hard cock. I could feel the blood pumping into my cock as I grew larger at her touch, which was so cool and soft on my cock. Georgia began siphoning her hand all over on my cock and I was shocked at how immovably she grasped my cock until I understood that she had clearly had given a handjob before on the grounds that she appeared to be so sure.
    At the point when my cock was completely erect I motioned to Georgia to twist down. She obeyed me and leaned over my cock. As her pert tits ...
    ... fell completely free of her blouse, I had a beautiful view of her front. Tenderly she kissed the tip of my cock and consequently it hopped. Snickering, Georgia kissed my cock once more and it bounced once more. When her gentle lips touched the delicate head of my hard cock, it was wonderful.
    "Bring it into your mouth, Georgia," I encouraged her.
    She smiled at me as she removed the hard cock's foreskin and bent over it once more. She slid her red lips over my cock this time and opened her mouth, drawing it into her small, hot mouth. When I felt her tongue slide over the delicate head of my cock that was encased in her mouth, I couldn't help but buck my hips a little. She might not have done this previously however she was a characteristic as of now.
    After that, she pushed my cock even deeper into her mouth while sliding her red lips down the shaft until the end of my cock reached the back of her mouth. Gradually she moved back, her lips tight around me as she let my hard cock jump out of her mouth.
    Then, at that point, she began an extraordinary musicality on my cock as she screwed me with her mouth, constantly seeing me out of her hot blue eyes while I watched my cock show up and afterward vanish into her young mouth. Georgia began to tenderly play with my balls while she sucked me and I could feel my cum beginning to ascend in my cock.
    I said quietly, "I'm going to cum," even though the exquisite touch of her mouth and tongue on my cock was making my breathing ...