1. Meeting the Birth Mother, Part V

    Date: 7/19/2024, Categories: Fiction Anal Blowjob Exhibitionism Group Sex Incest Monster, Author: JackDRipper, Source: sexstories.com

    ... formed itself into . . . something…
    “He” was actually a “she”. She stood seven feet tall, had deep blue skin, glowing coal-red eyes, and shining white hair. She had two dainty horns sprouting from her forehead, and large breasts swelled on her chest. Her wide nipples were beige. She took a seat on the throne.
    The organ music and chanting had stopped and everyone had turned to stare at this monstrosity that had emerged into their midst. Everyone seemed to be surprised, frozen in place, except my grandmother, who raced up to the base of the throne and fell to her knees.
    “We have prepared a new vessel,” she said, pointing to me and my mother. “Penetrate her and take her seed.”
    The thing had a sweet voice that echoed through the chamber. “What?” she said, a puzzled look playing across her face. She glanced down between her legs. “Do I look like I have the hardware to penetrate anything? And what vessel? What the fuck are you talking about?”
    Silence filled the room.
    “I am the cave spirit. This is my home. This is a funny party you’re having here, but I’m good with it. Back in the day, before the white people came, we had parties in here at least once a moon. The Native Americans knew how to have a good time. All the cocks and tits a girl could handle. It was the stuff. Then the puritanical Europeans came. All a girl does is try to have a sexy little cave party and the next thing you know, people are getting burned at the stake. What’s up with that? Bring back ...
    ... the parties!”
    “Ahem,” the pastor cleared his throat and stepped forward. “I am in charge here. I thought this was to be the second coming of the Lord, not . . . this. We heard your whispering about a body, about coming.”
    “Do you know how long it’s been since I had a good fuck? Yes I need a body. I need a hard cock up my ass. But the second coming of the Lord? Wait, you’re one of the witch burners, aren’t you. Okay – everyone who is with this guy – get out of my cave. Anyone who wants to party can stay, bring your friends, lets get naked, dance, fuck, and do things we will regret tomorrow. But you witch burners gotta go.”
    Silence reined for a few minutes. Then the pastor and the congregants who were still huddled in the back started up the ramp out. Those who remained were reaching for their phones, probably to call their friends.
    The spirit turned her eyes on the four of us.
    “Who are you?” she asked.
    “I gave birth to these three,” my mother said, indicating her three offspring. “They were taken from me as children. They are now adults and we were just reunited over the past three days. We have gotten close.”
    The spirit giggled. “You looked pretty close a few minutes ago. Mommy issues. That was fucking hot.” She winked. “Just do me a favor, can you bring back the parties? A girl gets lonely.”
    I walked to the edge of the dais and called out to the remaining crowd. “What are you guys doing on Saturday nights for the next, say, millennia? Anybody want to ...