Lady Penelope-MILF Of The Mansion 15
Date: 7/19/2024,
Author: moasan
... Williamson Manor, she had given the old stables a complete makeover. She was acquiring several horses soon after. Now, two years after her older husband's death from complications of COVID-19-related symptoms, Her Ladyship sought the attention of others to satisfy her carnal desires.When His Lordship passed, Penny found herself with the means and the money to live out all of her sexual fantasies. After years of making her husband and the local society happy, she sought attention for herself and her alone. Now aged fifty-one, she had become an insatiable MILF of the mansion. A veritable fuck machine, half sophistication, half slut, but all woman.xShe still enjoyed her other passion, that of riding, and had four fine horses for her pleasure. Owning and riding horses is a lifestyle for many dedicated aristocrats, and for some, keeping horses on their property is preferable. Twenty-one-year-old David Allen from Tipperary was the latest member of her minimum staff to work in the stables on the large estate.
Whilst on holiday in Seychelles, she had allowed Parsons to choose a new stable hand for her, hiring him barely three weeks earlier. He was local, unmarried, and considered quite striking and fanciable. Her first meeting was a revelation. She was met by the bare-chested, bulked-up beefcakes, toiling away in the hay and grime. He had massive arms and pecs which seemed to pulse from his upper frame. His half-tanned skin was smooth and hairless and glistened in the ...
... sunshine."Good morning. You must be Allen.""My Lady."He stood up straight back and his barrel chest thrust out in proudly. His biceps rippled and the sunlight highlighted the fine definition of his physique which was covered in a film of sweat. And she could not fail to notice how his sculpted thighs strained at the material of his trousers."Been working hard, my dear fellow?"Penny crossed her arms and stood rapt in admiration of his strong form. The confessed nympho had a penchant for rough and ready sex and this chap was more than capable of power fucking her brains out. The insatiable MILF felt a delicious shiver up her spine as she imagined the gorgeous man holding her in his grip as he pumped away with his thick cock. So it was a surprise when the youthful Irishman cocked his head and she saw what looked like an almost arrogant expression on his face. The ripped man loved showing off his developed body and knew how good he looked, but he appeared standoffish. Lady Penelope raised her chin in a mirror image of his confidant air."Must be frightfully boring for you with this wretched position, a young man like you.""You got that right. I've been out here with no female company for three weeks now. It ain't normal for a man not to have a woman.""How horrid for you. Do you have a girlfriend?"Penny made sure to push her bosom out as she turned to check out her horses in their stalls."That I do. Mary is her name and she's fixing to visit me soon.""I see. Well, I hope Parsons made it clear ...