1. The Lord's Granddaughter

    Date: 7/19/2024, Categories: Fantasy Domination/submission Incest Masturbation Older Male / Female, Author: faringwayb, Source: sexstories.com

    “That was a fine party, my lord.”
    “Indeed, I can’t remember a more pleasant evening,” replied Lord Nicolas as he sat at the large mahogany desk. He took the proffered drink and nodded to his long-time companion. Sipping at the glass, he added, “At least not since my dear wife left us; God rest her.”
    His friend, Saewulf, agreed. “Truly, Agatha knew how to entertain. She knew how to make a man feel like a king.”
    “In many ways, my friend,” Nicolas remarked with a devilish smirk.
    Saewulf chuckled. He sat back in his chair and asked, “Is it bad luck to speak of the departed in such a way?”
    “She hasn’t come to strike me down just yet.” He took another sip of his drink. After a brief pause, he said, almost to himself, “Laura was radiant tonight.”
    “Your granddaughter?” Saewulf lifted his eyes in thought. “She was certainly a beauty. My son would be proud to have her for a wife.”
    Nicolas barked a laugh as he set the glass aside. “Your son? Not you, my friend? I saw how you looked at her.”
    The other man offered a nonchalant shrug. “I looked at her no different than you did, my lord. Don’t try to deny it. I know you far too well for you to attempt to tell me that you were in a different state of mind. How old is Laura?”
    “She turned nineteen just this June.”
    “Any suitors?”
    “Plenty and my son is wise to fend them off. They have no idea what they’re getting into with Laura.”
    Saewulf laughed again and rose to pour himself another drink. He offered more to ...
    ... Nicolas, and when he stepped closer to pour, he said, “I’ve heard that she’s a bit of a free spirit and that her personality can be overwhelming for the uninitiated. I imagine that’s what makes her so appealing to me and you as well.” His voice dropped to a whisper. When he returned to his seat, he sipped the drink and leaned his head back to stare at the painted ceiling. “I was a fool as a young man, not appreciating such wild beauties like her.”
    Nicolas stared at his drink and nodded. Swirling the amber liquid around the glass, he murmured, “I as well. Agatha was a delightful woman, and I wouldn’t trade the many years of marriage with her for anything in the world. But girls like Laura make my blood boil with lust.” His eyes flicked to the desk. He paused momentarily, smirking, then adjusted his legs a little wider and leaned back in his chair. “She does have a habit of getting into places where she shouldn’t,” he added with an amused smirk.
    “All the best girls do,” Saewulf said with a smile. “We both love and hate them for it at the same time.” He paused, then said almost dreamily, “The neckline of her dress was perfect.”
    “Have we had enough to drink for this discussion?” Nicolas asked, his voice low and husky.
    “I can always pour us more if you need it.”
    Nicolas grinned and waved away the offer. He tapped his glass with a finger, the heavy ring making a hollow-sounding clink as he did so. “It reminded me of a dress Agatha wore when we were courting. When we ...