1. A Toy Story

    Date: 7/18/2024, Categories: Diary , Anal Asian, First Time Toys, Author: dmastercookie, Source: sexstories.com

    ... working it around behind her too with a focused look on her face as he looked up at the ceiling.
    After a little bit she relaxed and smiled at me and crawled up on top of me. As she did, I saw some thin wire or string hanging out of her ass. To my slight disappointment she did not slide my protected cock into her ass but instead back into her pussy. Enough time had passed that I was no longer on the edge of cumming. And her loose pussy felt even less enticing through the rubber she had put on me. I tried my best to hide my disappointment in my face as she started fucking me again in this less pleasurable setup. While I may not have been feeling it as much, she certainly was enjoying it and was soon moaning well on top of me.
    After fucking me for a bit she suddenly stopped and held still. "It is okay?" she checked with me.
    I half lied and said it was good, not mentioning that it had been better just a little bit before. She smiled and clicked a button on something she had in her hand and suddenly I felt something vibrating through her pussy! It felt pretty nice even without her even moving. She just held still on top of me, letting us both enjoy the new vibrations in her. She handed me the remote control she was holding and it had different buttons on it seemingly for different speeds.
    "Go ahead." she encouraged me to try some of the other speeds.
    I pressed the next button up from the bottom and the vibrations sped up a bit inside her. She moaned and lay down ...
    ... on top of me me, holding me tight with her tits pressed against my chest again. I started experimenting with different speeds, working up really high and really low. It was fun not just seeing how each one felt to me, but also seeing how each one seemed to affect her. After trying a few different ones out, I found one I liked best and dropped the remote on the bed. I started to slow fuck her in and out, letting the vibration inside her touch every part of my cock as I moved it in and out of her. I'd never felt anything like this before and the sensation was really exciting. Eventually we picked up the pace with both of us pressing hard into each other.
    "You like?" she asked.
    With a big smile on my face, I answer, "I like!" and lifted her up a bit on me so I could kiss her and then set her buzzing pussy fully back down on my cock.
    We fucked like that for another six minutes or so and then her whole body clenched tightly, holding me close to her. Then she relaxed and her hand started franticly searching in the sheets for the remote. She finally found it and clicked off the vibrator in her ass.
    "Are you close?" she asked.
    Without answering, I picked her up off of me, putting her back on all fours and got behind her. I got my first good look of the vibrator wire disappearing into her ass just above her dripping wet pussy. Quickly I shoved my cock back into her pussy and proceeded to fuck her hard in doggy style, as that is my favorite way to cum. I was fucking her ...