1. Biding Her Time

    Date: 7/18/2024, Categories: Wife Lovers, Author: Obsolete_Fox, Source: LushStories

    ... had paid me a compliment? My husband hadn't even tried to touch me in months. Of course, I now understood why.
    "I'm convinced Rick is indeed an idiot," I said to Dorian, "because he left his phone out while he was in the shower, and I saw the message from his..." I struggled for the right word to call her. "From his mistress pop up on the screen. It just said, 'Thanks for the great fuck last night.'" My stomach roiled at the memory. I was well aware of who the woman was. She worked at Rick's office, and when she'd first been hired last fall, he talked about her endlessly. I chalked it up to harmless infatuation on his part, for his coworker was just out of college, and he was obviously flattered by the attention from a much younger woman. How stupid I'd been to believe it couldn't turn into anything more.
    "Did you confront him after you saw the message?" Dorian asked.
    "Nope," I replied before taking another sip of my drink. "My son is about to graduate from high school, and I don't want to ruin what should be a wonderful time in his life. So I'm going to bide my time and wait until he's settled in at college this coming fall. Then I'll tell Rick I want a divorce." Briefly closing my eyes, I imagined how devastated Logan would be to learn his parents were splitting up. Rick and I had done a good job pretending all was well in our marriage, even as the emotional distance between us grew over the years.
    "Wait, you have a son in high school?" Dorian said, clearly ...
    ... shocked. "You don't look a day over thirty!"
    I rolled my eyes, but couldn't hide my pleased smile. "I'm almost forty. But Rick and I did have Logan when we were young. Rick comes from money, and his parents were kind enough to help us while we finished school and got on our feet." I thought back to when Rick and I were in our early twenties, convinced that we could take on the world. "We got married too soon," I went on in a quiet voice. "We obviously weren't meant for each other. But we have an amazing son together."
    Dorian turned his entire body toward me, propping an elbow on the bar. "And what will you do between now and this coming fall?"
    I considered his question for a moment. Then I grinned and said, "Whatever the fuck I want. Starting tonight."
    Dorian lifted his glass. "I'll drink to that!"
    He offered to buy me another gin and tonic, but I declined. When he excused himself a few minutes later to use the restroom, I discreetly beckoned to the bartender. She approached with an expectant smile. "You seem to know him well," I told her, nodding in the direction Dorian had gone. "He's not, like, a psychopath or anything, is he?"
    The woman laughed and shook her head. "Dorian's one of the good guys. Never wants for company if he's looking for it, but he's not out to fuck every woman in sight. You're safe with him."
    "Good to know. Thanks."
    When Dorian returned to the bar, I tried to be polite and make small talk. "What do you do for work?"
    He raised an ...