1. New Enceladus - chapter 1 of 10

    Date: 7/17/2024, Categories: Science-Fiction , Bi-sexual Female Domination, Male / Females Author: Limnophile, Source: sexstories.com

    ... shoulder. "Enka, other than basic first aid, none of them had any medical training at all. Three quarters of the patients would have lived, instead of none. They went from nothing, to half-assed medics in a day. You did that. They don't have to love you. They have to know they need you and they can trust you. You need their respect, that's all."
    At lunch the third day, I was in the cafeteria line behind Oskar and Molly. I walked slowly enough to leave two or three meters between us. When they reached the end of the food line, the dessert of the day was ice cream. Molly asked him, "Vanilla, chocolate, or maybe you want a CHUNKY MONKEY, like ANCHOR over there." The two of them started to laugh.
    I'd done enough crying. NO MORE! I stomped over and screamed at her, with my nose nearly touching hers. I vented all my repressed pain and anger.
    The whole cafeteria full of people stared at me, but I didn't care. There must have been at least a hundred. I was vicious, cruel, and totally out of line.
    "I'M AMAZED YOU CAN EVEN FEED YOURSELF OR DRESS YOURSELF IN THE MORNING! Your surgery lab yesterday was horrible! You got dizzy and nearly threw up, just cutting into a piece of plastic! Then you severed the carotid artery, trying to do a simple tracheotomy!"
    She started crying. There was nothing she could say back to ...
    ... me. She knew it was true.
    "Your patient would have been able to breathe, until you DROWNED HIM WITH HIS OWN BLOOD! I'd rather have a REAL monkey operate on me!"
    When she ran out, I threw an orange at her and yelled, "Stupid Bitch!"
    I blanched in shock, as I turned and saw the Dean in line. There were a General and a Major behind him.
    The Dean commented, "Got that out of your system, did you? Good. Your class resumes in twenty minutes. Hurry up and eat."
    At the end of the week, we took a quiz and I knew I scored a perfect 100. I wasn't on the list, and the top score was a 91. I saw Oskar and Molly were near the bottom and smiled.
    When classes ended for the day and we started to leave, Professor Morse said; "Miss Karjala, please stay a moment."
    When the rest of the cadets left he continued, "If I put your results on the list, a lot of others would lose heart and give up. I hope you don't mind if I do the same in the future." I smiled and shook my head.
    "The dean told me about the confrontation in the cafeteria a few days ago. Your confidence is growing, and that's good. From what I've seen, Miss Walsh deserved most of what you said. On the other hand, throwing fruit is a waste of food, and there's a small chance it could cause an injury. Don't let that happen again."
    "Sorry, sir. I won't."
    "Miss Walsh and Mister Schmidt have their problems, but overall they're very good cadets. Miss Walsh is a gifted Geologist, and Mister Schmidt is going for ...